Does coffee harm you????

@cuterat (296)
February 2, 2007 11:18pm CST
I have always wondered if too much of coffee is harmful.I am a coffee addict and find myself more fresh after having a cup of hot coffee.Tell me your views on it...
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14 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Coffee has it's benefits..but too much of anything is not good. So you'll benefit more if you have less coffee. If you drink caffinated coffee, try not having more than two cups a day. Too much caffeine dehydrates the body and makes your energy crash. If you want more, maybe you can switch to decaf after you've had your two cups.
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• India
3 Feb 07
Hey, please tell me what is decaf? I am not gonna put off my habit, but for information sake, Coffee is the only adiction I have.
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@dickkell (403)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I was a coffee addict for several months. I got free coffee at work and would drink four for five cups a day. Then I would have headaches and nausea on weekends. I gave up coffee and switched to hot tea - much better for the bod and not as much caffine. Now I'm addicted to the tea, LOL, but it doesn't make me shaky or give me withdrawals!
2 people like this
• United States
3 Feb 07
Culto, Decaf is coffe that has no caffeine in it, but still tastes like regular coffee.
3 people like this
• United States
5 Feb 07
is peace to know that coffee offers some benefits to our health. However, these results should not be interpreted as an incentive to increase your daily coffee intake. Too much coffee may actually increase the risk of heart disease for some people. Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition June 2005, researchers from the University of Athens found that coffee drinkers had more stiffness of the major blood vessel in the body than non-coffee drinkers. They suggested for people with high blood pressure or other risk factors for heart disease who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day to cut down. If you would like to eat more foods high in antioxidants, it is best to choose colored fruits and vegetables. Not only do they offer antioxidants, they contain higher content of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Berries, red grapes, tomatoes are good sources.
@cuterat (296)
• India
9 Feb 07
Thhats great.I never had any idea about those harm coffee can cause.also use of other greenleafy vegetables can help in many way.Need to include more of vegetables in our diet.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I love coffee and I have about 5 or 6 before the noon hour and then another 4 or 5 during the afternoon. I do have to stop by about 5 or it will mess up my sleep. I don't think it is the coffee that is harmful as much as what you put in your coffee.
@cuterat (296)
• India
9 Feb 07
So much of it is too much.I am not that big cofee addict.
• Romania
3 Feb 07
coffee is nice but don't drink too much! It wiil make you to sleep harder, and will cause health problems. Inca is more great than coffee! It has the same taste but will not cause any problems! It gives you energy and vitality and you can drink how much you want!
@cuterat (296)
• India
3 Feb 07
Thats true friend. It makes me very energetic. And i cant stop myself from having it.
@scalpelo (270)
• Bulgaria
3 Feb 07
No coffee doesn't make me fresh.
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@SignMe (1031)
• India
3 Feb 07
Anything that is too much is really bad. Too much of coffe can stop you from good sleep :)
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@cuterat (296)
• India
9 Feb 07
i always take coffee to wake late night when i have a lot of work to complete.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Everything in life that is used too much is harmful for you. So, yes too much of coffee isn't good. But, if you start to have it in moderation, you'll benefit more from it.
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• United States
5 Feb 07
Now my feelings are a little hurt. I said that in the 1st sentence of my response..waa
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@cuterat (296)
• India
3 Feb 07
That was cool dear. You said it right-Everything in life that is used too much is harmful for you. That was a good response. Thanks dear.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
8 Feb 07
You're welcome and thanks for giving me the best response.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
There is a story that coffee stunts your growth. My son turned 16 last week. He's been drinking coffee for about three years. He is over 6'5" tall. I don't think the story is right.
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@cuterat (296)
• India
24 Feb 07
Oh! I have not heard of anything like dat.Anyhow I get energy when I take a cup of hot coffee.Thanks for the response dear.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
coffee has its own benefits and disadvantages. If you take only enough of coffee, you reap its benefits. As the saying goes, "too much of everything is bad". Coffee can be harmful of taken in excess. I love coffee but i know when to drink it and the amount of it that my body can handle.
@few00cent (2183)
• India
13 Feb 07
coffee has been heavily criticized for the fact that its caffeine content is addictive and unhealthy.but i think that if we would stop consuming everything scientists discover to be cancer prone or unhealthy,we would be left to surviving on bread and's like many things in life: if you drink coffee with moderation, it can actually be beneficial.overdoing it(4-5 coffees a day)can over-stimulate the nerves and generate some pretty nasty side can leave the drinker feeling restless, irritable,and make his hands extreme cases, it can create severe insomnia.
@cuterat (296)
• India
24 Feb 07
Thanks dear for the response.I think i need to reduce its consumption.
@cultoffury (1283)
• India
3 Feb 07
Yeah, I am damn coffee addict, I can't live without it. I have around minimum 6 mugs of coffee a day. I know it's bad for your teeth and some other problems. But caffeine gives you instant stimulus and you feel energized when you drink it. It's addictive, and all the colas contain caffeine.
@Modelcoy (184)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
I'm also addict to coffee but not that much cuz I take coffee seriouly, meaning, moderately. Yes too much drinking coffee will be harmful to your health. Just drink coffee regularly and not too much.
@hijas007 (1386)
• India
19 Feb 07
i dont think so...i really like drinking coffe i like cappuccino ....i dont think thaey harm but exceessive use cause some health problems!
@cuterat (296)
• India
24 Feb 07
Yeah too much of it I believe is bad for health.Even I am crazy about coffee.
• United States
25 Feb 07
There has been quite a bit of research on coffee indicating that it has certain healthy properties. I think too much of anything is not good for a person. If you have a few cups a day - it should be beneficial - not harmful but if you are drinking massive quantities, then it isn't very good for you at all.
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@cuterat (296)
• India
15 Mar 07
Thanks dear for your response.Ill surely reduce the consumption rate.