How many movies do you watch in a month?

Hong Kong
February 3, 2007 11:23am CST
Usually, I watch around 10-20 movies a month including renting , watch it in the theaters and also those showing on the TV. So, how many do you watch in a month?
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14 responses
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
7 Feb 07
i don't know if i can count. let's see i watch atleast one movie from a movie channel everyday, i watch one at the theater every week, sometimes twice a week, and i got a dvd rental membership so watch atleast 10 a month just from that, i think i watch around 40- 65 movies per month. Wow, that's a lot.
• United States
7 Feb 07
Wow is right! The winner and champeen!
• United States
6 Feb 07
I can't count. But I can tell you that I once saw 8 films in one day.
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• Hong Kong
6 Feb 07
that's an interesting record. I've tried once with some friends and we start to watch movie like marathon but eventually we fall asleep.
@perugu (5279)
• India
3 Feb 07
hi,friend,i am not particular in seeing movies.As i am lover of funny movies,i try to see only those type of movies.if more number of movies will come across to me either in theatres or televisons,i will see in general they may be ranging from 4 to 8 per month.have a nice day.
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• United States
4 Feb 07
Before we bought every season to Star Trek : Next Generation we were watching at least one movie a day. On weekends it would be several usually. So anywhere from 30-40 I'd say would be pretty accurate. We rent and buy. We rarely go to the theatre.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I am a big movie buff but really couldn't say how many I watch in a month. I am always going through my guide on my satelite and checking to see what good movies are coming on. Anytime I see a good movie coming on I am off the internet and nobody better not call me because I don't want to do anything else when watching a movie. I don't go to the theater that much because it is cheaper to watch at home and more comfortable. I don't have a dvd player anymore but when I did I was constantly renting movies. Especially horror movies. They are my all time favorite. :)
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@skorp82 (48)
• Canada
3 Feb 07
It usally depends on how many good movies ocme out in a month, usally about 10 times of the month i buy movies, and sometimes i rent old classics. So all in all, about 20-25 movies a month.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Feb 07
wow thats really hard to say..I probably watch an easy 40+ a month...I watch more movies than I do tv programs and I watch at least one a day durign the week (sometimes more like today I have 4 movies I'm going to be watching) and an easy 5 or 6 every weekend so my number is up there LOL
@dihearted (2688)
• India
7 Feb 07
well i watch abt 20 to 25 movies in a month....
@Neamtzu89 (122)
• Romania
7 Feb 07
I usually watch around 16 movies in a mounth but it depends on how many good movies are thet week at the TV or at the theater.
• Belgium
6 Feb 07
I think nowadays about 5 till 10 a week, but sometimes more, 2 in a weekend and none in the normal week.
@tellus (1441)
• Finland
7 Feb 07
well, i have the movie channels here at my home, so watch a lot, at least 2 a day
• United States
7 Feb 07
I probably watch way too many movies. I rent movies from Netflix, borrow them from a friend, and I have my own personal library. I watch at least three or four a week.
• India
15 Feb 07
it is not fixed how many movies i watch in a month it depends on my schedule and the time i m free i watch movies in the theatre and i download movies from the internet and i watch the movie on the tv which is broadcasted by the satelitte channel
@arunr175 (1678)
• India
15 Aug 12
I watch 20-30 movie a month, I go to the theater rarely, mostly includes watching downloaded movies. I like to watch movies a lot ...