My nephew is attached to me like I'm his mum!!

United States
February 3, 2007 3:34pm CST
It's strange. I have no idea how it happened, but my two year old nephew is very, VERY attached to me. You'd think I was his mum! My sister says it's because I sang for him and spoke to him a lot while he was in her belly, was there every day/night at the house after he was born and because I keep him for two days out of the week (to help them out during their hectic work scheduals and to spend time with him =D) However, he's with his mum and dad for the other 5 days. So it can't be the amount of time spent! They could leave the room, say "Goodbye!!" and wave and he could care less, he says "Bye," waves back and goes back to playing. But the moment he sees me reaching for my jacket, he throws a fit and clings to me! I steped out of the door to go to the store and left him with my mum and I could hear him screaming all the way down the hall! He refuses to sleep unless I'm in the bed next to him, even if someone else is there. He always comes to me to eat from my plate, even when his own food (same food) is prepared. And when I keep him, he gives me NO problems at All. He's a perfect angel, he listens, when I call him, he comes. But with mum, dad, grandma, anyone else, it's always "No!" this and "No!" that! Everyone says "Your sister just carried him. But that's your baby!" I laugh at it, but sometimes it really feels that way. Why would he be so attached? My sister and brother in law are wonderful parents. They play with him, treat him well, discipline him when need be, so I'm not doing anything they aren' I don't understand... Anyone else have nephews/nieces that seem more attached to them than their own parents? Or any explaination for it? I have no children of my own, by the way. :)Thank you!
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