queer themes in science fiction and fantasy

February 4, 2007 9:52am CST
I brought up this subject before, on my livejournal, and got a lovely response. I was looking for novel length stories (originial or fanfiction, published for commercial purposes or free on the 'net) set in a sci-fi or fantasy environment that dealt with queer themes, gay romances or anything of the sort, preferably in a positive light. I did get many reccomendations from my fantasy loving friends. The Nightrunner series, for one, is a fabulous read and a good choice for anyone who likes gay, slightly pervy elves and a late medieval society with magic. Lynn Flewelling's first book takes a while to grip you, but when it does you can't put it away. I was especially in awe of her beautiful portraital of the female characters. Also a treat is Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint, alternative history, with lots of sword play and characters so messed up you have to love them. Now I would really look forward to some reccomendations in the sci-fi genre. The only books I remember that dealt with homosexuality are Stranger in a Strange Land, Making History, and Aristoi, all of which I loved.
1 response
• United States
4 Feb 07
Have I ever recommended to you the (graphic novel, though it was published in series format) Enigma by Peter Mulligan? I actually wrote a Yuletide fanfic for it 2 years ago because I liked it so much. I would say you'd really enjoy it because of the questions it asks about sexuality and identity. I don't like comics much at all, but I really love this. Also, I am frequently recommended Ursula K. LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness when this subject comes up. And so I recommend it to you. :) ♥!
• Germany
4 Feb 07
I think you might have mentioned it, but my brain = cheesecake.