Earn money while offliine

February 7, 2007 3:02am CST
here we have two ways to earn money while we are offline 1) Start a new discussion 2) Creating more referrels which one do you think is the BEST ? how many referrels you have , whats the most replies you got for one discussion ??? Can you find any other idea to earn offline here in mylot ?
1 response
• China
7 Feb 07
i have no referrels.and i think response and start a new topic is the same.i dont think here we could earn more offline.its a forum ,we must disscus each other.and this website could more better.i usually rate (+)every response.i will choose some good response to response.
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• India
7 Feb 07
thanks for your reply, well i seen here that i gets replies whn i am offline too , i think for that also one can earn here, creating refrrel is a smple but a powerful idea , it will leverage your work load ,it wil give you the benefits of TIME AND MONEY
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