Questions of the Universe

United States
February 11, 2007 11:10pm CST
Has anyone ever encountered a question such as, "Is there an end to the universe? And if there is...what's on the other side?" or the classic one from the simpsons, "Can God make a buritto so hot that even him himself can't eat it? Why not?...He's God." Questions like this baffle me. Sometimes I think that we, as humans, don't have the brain capacity to comprehend such answers. For example, a dog doesn't have the brain capacity to comprehend logic. Anyone agree with me on this one? Any comments?
1 response
• India
12 Feb 07
it is the pet question for all. i dont think there is an end of universe. universe is so vast & if u look for the end, u get lost findin the boundries....these answers are yet to be given,,,i never care for these answers coz i cant go & fing such complicated things