Why do men stop talking to their wives?

@Terri_R (302)
United States
February 12, 2007 10:51am CST
I have realized that relationships between husbands and wives change over the years. There are times of closeness and times that we feel distant, times that we love our spouse to death and times that we don't particularly even like each other. I've heard many women say that their husbands never talk to them. Are there a reasons that men seem to stop talking to their wives or is it that wives just stop listening sometimes? Are there some things we can do to keep the relationships close and the lines of communication open?
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5 responses
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
I've been married for a good number of years to the same woman and I can see what you are trying to say. There are times when the wife or the husband needs time for herself/herself to reflect and just to be alone, which I believe is healthy. Love is not really an emotion that keeps on fluctuating depending on the person's mood. It is a decision to care for and seek the well-being of our significant other which is essential to ours. Time may come that you don't feel like you love the person but deep down you know you do. I think this is normal. That being said, if you mean stop as "completely stop", that I think is a different matter and should be talked about by the couple. To have a little space once in a while is not bad but to completely stop talking is an indication that something is wrong.
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@Terri_R (302)
• United States
12 Feb 07
As I laugh at the responses I'm getting to this discussion it reaffirms the fact that men and women have totally different thought patterns. Thank you for making me clarify this a bit. What I was hoping for here was some ideas on how to keep the communication lines open and ways to stay close to your spouse, even when we are feeling that need for alone time.
• United States
12 Feb 07
i wouldn't put the blame on either husband or wife. it's both spouses faults when they start to drift away from eachother. both need to make an effort to stay close to one another. it's very easy to take someone for granted if they've always been there for you. married couples are going to go through their stages, but you've gotta make sure it's just that, a stage. just make sure to always be as honest and open as you can with your spouse, that's the best way to go.
@Terri_R (302)
• United States
12 Feb 07
To be honest and open with your spouse is definitely a way to communicate with your spouse. Thank you.
• United States
12 Feb 07
I"m so lucky to have you baby! ^.^ Love you
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
12 Feb 07
Its nine years to our marriage and i havent experienced such a problem where in my husband stops talking to me. Infact he loves sharing everthing with me. I think if husbands are not responsive then wives should take a step forward and should talk their heart out.
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@Terri_R (302)
• United States
13 Feb 07
It seems a common problem for couples to drift apart sometimes and I have heard this complaint on many occasions. You're right, women should take the initiative sometimes and "talk their hearts out". I'm so glad that you and your husband have kept your lines of communication open in your marriage.
• United States
28 Feb 07
Most relationship problems are due to lack of comminication. And we as a partner need to address these problems to our spouses.
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@Terri_R (302)
• United States
28 Feb 07
You are so right. I think that lack of communication is the cause of the majority of divorces. It is definitely better to address problems when they occur than waiting and exploding out of anger.
@Cephoozee (373)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Why do women stop talking to men? Why do you have to blame it all on the men when it comes to relationships, ladies? Maybe we feel like we make all the effort in the relationship? Show some appreciation, why don't you go up to him and talk? Ever think about that, genius?
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Feb 07
you're such a spaz.
@Terri_R (302)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Well, I personally, have never heard a man complain that his partner just doesn't talk to him anymore. That is why I chose that particular forum. My discussion was aimed more at the problem of remaining close to each other and keeping the communication lines open, not to place blame on any one person. But, thank you for your compliment, there are a limited number of times in my life that I've been called a genius.