help/advice for my friend?

friendship - friendship between two!!
February 13, 2007 1:52am CST
People,I have htis friend who has been with me for more than ten years now..we both joined engineering but in different the last year of our college this tragedy happened and his mother passed away..that has made a terrible impact on him..he is a ordinary student..but after her death he has become dull in everything..I gratuated in march 2005 and have been working for the past i.5 years as a programmer for a really fat salary..but my friend is still having his arrear papers which he needs to clear for getting his degree..he is not able to get any good job coz he has not earned the I am miles away from him coz of my work schedule i am also not able to be with him to make him feel comfortable..friends please leave your comments/advice/what ever u feel..i am going to have hims ee this..and i beleive that this should change his attitude..thanks in advance!!
2 responses
@unishwetabh (1031)
• India
13 Feb 07
Time is the best medicine for all emotional wounds. It can heal anything. And this is what your friend needs. If you happen to meet him, just act normal to him. Not only you but ask everyone around him to be normal with him. This can help your friend to come back to normal stage. Don't make your friend remember what has happened but make him concious about what is yet to come, tell him about what he is losing by keepin such kind of attitude. This way he will your friend will be able to accept the truth and recover fast. Best of luck to you and your friend. Try to remain as much happy as you can.
1 person likes this
• India
13 Feb 07
Thansk for being so warming!
• United States
13 Feb 07
He is grieving and should be allowed to do as such. He may feel that what he was doing was to please his mom, and now that she is gone it has taken that sense of pride away from him. Although he might find that he should go on accomplishing his goals, cause in a sense his mom is still watching over him, and she would be sadden to see her son struggle like he is.
1 person likes this
• India
13 Feb 07
Thanks for your reply!!