Quran - Tolerance or Aggessive towards Pagan n Idolatry?

February 15, 2007 4:50pm CST
The Fourth Chapter of the Quran, addressed the early Muslim community in Median during the 620s, at a time when they were being attacked by the powerful Mecca pagans, who were trying to ethnically cleanse the Muslims out, it was then Quran commanded them to FIGHT BACK. But there were non-Muslims, including pagan, tribes with whom the early muslims had a Peace Treaty, with whom they were not at war. But what if a New non-Muslims turn up in the area? the muslims should treat them with peace or go ahead with war? they are Pagans or atleast non-muslims; in these circumstance Quran said: "Exempt those who join a people with whom you have concluded a peace treaty, and those who come to you with hearts unwilling to fight you, nor to fight their relatives. Had god willed, he could have placed them in power over you and they would have made war on you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no way to go against them." [Quran 4:90] The Quran lays down in 4:90 the rules governing such situation. The Muslims are NOT to fight tribes under these conditions: 1. If the new tribe joins up with a tribe[be it pagan or idol worshiper] in the area with which the Muslims are at peace, then the Muslims are to act Peacefuly towards the new one. 2. If the new tribe turn up in the region and lets the Muslims know that they have NO desire to attack Muslims, then the Muslims are to act peacefull towards them. The Quran reminds the Muslims that they benefit from peace with the peaceful. NOT aggressive warfare, something which Quran repeatedly condemns. Warfare is permitted ONLY in Self-defense. Muslims says 'Hello' with the Phrase 'as-Salamu `alaykum' [peace be upon you] Once the pagan polytheistic Meccan tribes started attacking the Muslims and try to wip them out, the question was raised of how to respond when a pagan [among the peace treaty group] greeted a muslim? Muslims unanimously said You are a Pagan, don't greet us. Quran Condemn the Muslims and said: "....Do not say to one who offers you peace, 'You are not a Believer', seeking the spoils of this life; For God has abundant treasure. You used to be like them, affer all, and then God blessed you' [Quran 4:94] Neither 4:94, Nor 4:90, Imply that Pagans must give up their paganism in order to bge at peace and treated well by Muslims. Rather, Quran approach two-way. As as Monotheistic Scripture, it condemns idol worship and warns its practitioners of hell-fire. But as a matter of everyday, this-worldly practice, Quran commands Muslims to LIVE in PEACE with nonvoilent PAGANS, who do not wage war on Muslims. Now I know some Anti-Islam propagandist will show the list of Militant verses of war. My response to those verses refer to the Meccan Power Elite in the 620s AD, who were waging a DETERMINED military, Political and Economical WAR to defeat the Muslims completely and wipe them and their One GOD out. It is fairly dishonest approach to take a verse about, say, the battle of Badr against the Militant Meccan Pagan [Unbelievers] and imply that it refers to contemporary American Christians or American atheist for that matter. FACT: what was objectionable to Quran in practical terms about the Meccan Pagan and unbelievers was their MURDEROUSNESS towards Muslims. not thier attachment to idol worshiping.
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