Can your metabolism change for good after pregnancy?

February 15, 2007 9:20pm CST
I'v been pregnant 4 times in the last 2 years. I'v had 3 early miscarriages and then finally gave birth to a baby who had died one day before she was born. So basically I'v had pregnancy hormones galore in my body. I now can't seem to lose the pregnancy weight although it's been 3 months! I'm really pissed off! It's not fair that I don't have a baby but still have pregnancy weight. It's a sad reminder of what I don't have and I really want to lose the weight. I'm doing weight watchers and sometimes I exercise for 2 hours a day. Can someone tell me that it will get better in a few months? How long do pregnancy hormones stay in your body? Or will I always be heavy now?
1 response
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
Hi there! I can understand the problem. I have given birth last December and although it's been almost 2 months, I still have some of the fat on my belly and legs. A lot of women I know have been successful in getting back into shape even after pregnancy. They say though that it takes AT LEAST 6 months before you get back into shape. Just keep on exercising. But watch what you eat and your sleeping habits too. It's important to eat high fiber and calcium ladden foods. Low fat milk instead of pure, and yougart instead of icecream. Also get lots of sleep. Some studies have shown that obesity is linked to lack of sleep. Goodluck and don't lose hope! Cheers!
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