Cheating on your best friend.

February 16, 2007 3:29pm CST
it is all in one minute that years of friendship turn bitter between two friends when one claim the other cheated with their best friend. Is it wrong to fall in love with your girlfriend or boyfriend best friend? This seems too frivuslous to spoil a relationship that was going for many years just because one person fell in love and made you jealous.
1 response
• India
16 Feb 07
Hi, i do agree with the point that a boy/girl quite often get in to the picture of misunderstanding the beautiful realtionship and were the trust losess the orginal value of the realtionship
1 person likes this
• Barbados
16 Feb 07
The original relationship is what counts and even though you loose focus, you should not stop there. If you love a person, you should stay with them even if it means loosing them.
• India
20 Feb 07
Hi, As the person gets into the vital releationship were the person trusts each other and gets close day by day and by the slightist mis communication between eachother, the persons tense to think the opposite way were it leads to the disaster in future.