If you already have two daugthers, would you still want to try for a baby boy?

Margaux and Bianca - These are our two beautiful daugthers.
February 17, 2007 9:47pm CST
We already have two daugthers, thinking it out loud, I'm already ok with them but a lot of people are saying we should try for another one. But there's no guarantee that it would be a boy next time. But I know deep in my heart that I would want to have a son eventually. What if you have two sons already, would you also try again for a baby girl this time?
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3 responses
• United States
18 Feb 07
I have 2 daughters myself. I never wanted anymore then 2 children, plus I had difficult pregnancies. My now ex-husband wanted to have a boy, but he also didn't want to have another child (he comes from a family of 12+ kids). He did frequently joke that he never had his boy. After our divorce, he got a girl pregnant and she had a boy!! Guess he got his wish...lol Anyway, sorry, got off on that tangent, there is no guarantee, so if you want more children, go for it. If you're happy with the 2 girls, then don't. A friend of mine kept wanting to have a boy, and she had 6 girls, so she stopped!! It's entirely up to you though :)
2 people like this
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
Thanks for sharing. I would just afraid of running after getting a boy and I'll end up with lots of children.
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I would if it was something my husband and I wanted. He has a large family so he would probably like having a large family. If you keep trying and keep having girls, then I guess you could explore adoption. There are a lot of children with out a family. I would keep trying. I think if you want more children you will be blessed and happy no matter if they all turn out to be girls. I would feel like trying, and like I said, if I kept having girls, and wanted a guarantee after trying another time, I would consider adopting.
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
Thanks for responding. I agree to you in saying that I would actually be happy and blessed if in turn I have another girl.
@mudpie (79)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
I think it really depends on your capability, be it healthwise or financial. if you feel you still can go another pregnancy and you can support their needs, why not. if the problem is just determining the gender that is setting you back, i think i've read somewhere that you can already choose what gender you'd want. and also that's what was taught to us during our seminar at the church before our wedding, on how to do it when choosing a gender for the baby. it was called the mucus secretion method i think.as for me, i'm even thinking twice already if i'm still going to have a second child. i feel really depressed with myself looking so big and my face having pimples and my nose becoming big and feel really ugly.
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
Thanks for the response. Thanks for sharing the information re on how to choose the gender. I never thought it is existing. I would research on that more.