What's the latest movie you have watched in big screen?

February 19, 2007 5:36am CST
I have not been watching movies recently in big screens since I'm kinda busy with work and tending to the kids. We usually watch home videos instead but I do miss watching movies in big screens. Latest movie I have watched in theater was Superman.
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3 responses
19 Feb 07
the last movie i went to see was "hot fuzz" on valentines day (14/02/07) with my boyfriend, William....i would recommend it any everyone :D
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
Thanks for your response. Hot Fuzz is a big thing!
19 Feb 07
I was at the movies on Saturday to see a new British comedy called "Hot Fuzz". It was pretty good but i usually prefer to buy a DVD and watch it at home. It's more comfortable but the sound is nowhere near as good! I was being blown away the other afternoon!
@arunr175 (1678)
• India
23 Dec 12
Skyfall - Skyfall, starring Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem and Naomie Harris
Latest movie I saw in theater is skyfall, the latest installment in james bond series .. Skyfall is on the good James Bond movie to watch, I loved watching it, if you haven't watched it yet, watch it it's worth it ...