How can we improve immunity against infections/diseases?

Immunity - This keeps up the body running.
February 19, 2007 2:55pm CST
Post your experiences and suggestions on immunity.
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4 responses
@superbren (856)
21 Feb 07
first of all keep a reasonable diet , take a mintenance dose of ester-c or echinacea. i take a maintenance does every year or so and i cant remermber when i had a flu last. eat lots of super foods i.e tomatoes, peppers, leafy veg. i like that stuff up on anything you can to boost your health.remem,ber that antibiotics will weaken your immune system as will having any type of surgery so if an op is imminent boost yourself up before you go into hospital.avoid antibiotics at all costs , only if absolutely neccessary. also painkillers , theyre an unneccessary evil. if its muscle or joint pain try heat and massage. painkillers aere only masking the problem, not helping.
2 people like this
• India
10 Mar 07
You have highlighted natural resistance to infections and diseases. This does play important role in health maintenance.
@Morticia (419)
19 Feb 07
Make sure you eat vegetables and fruits = vitamins! That's a preventive!
2 people like this
• India
10 Mar 07
Yes, natural food, in the sense fresh fruits and vegetables do provide all the suffice vita-minerals. Nuts and pulses are rich in protein content. Very natural response. Thanks!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Good eating (nature's foods) good exercise, lots of water, and juices! And good air. Sunshine is good too, even just looking at it. And not to always be in crowds, and wash the hands a lot, especially when in public.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Mar 07
- vitamins!
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Mar 07
oops, one more, enough sleep. :))
1 person likes this
• India
10 Mar 07
Yeah, Intake of water does regulate body acids and control body temperature. One can avoid skin infections too. Water is best natural resource indeed.
@lucy02 (5016)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Eat healthy, epecially green vegetables and lots of fruit. Take a multivitamin with zinc. Wash hands often. Try to stay away from others that are sick. If you are sick yourself stay home from work. If you work with someone who is sick, sanitize the phone after they use it. That may sound extreme but when I worked in an office we passed viruses back and forth alot.
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• India
10 Mar 07
You seem to be very hygiene conscious, thanks for your suggestion!