Not too intelligent voters

@deltax (287)
February 19, 2007 8:55pm CST
Just a thought. If you're watching news, you've probably seen people calling out the government to give them aides and new houses for them when they are forcibly evicted from their shanties. It makes me sad and upset. Still the government spends a huge amount of money to give them what they were asking for. And even if they are relocated, they still prefer to live in shanties. Does these people contribute to the economy of our country? Have they even paid their taxes? It's our money in the first place. No offense, I'm also a poor person but I work hard to earn a living. I have a family too, like these guys who keeps on complaining about the government not giving them fair treatment, not giving them what is due. What is fair and due, really? I guess this is why politicians take advantage of them to get elected. Not to mention the sweet promises during campaign periods. Of course if they get the vote of the "poor people" (including myself) which is 75% of the population, they're sure winner. So much for the system. I think we need to educate the voters, don't you think so? Or better yet, only taxpaayers should vote.
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6 responses
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Every citizen of voting age may vote, whether they pay income taxes or not. They count as people of the Philippines so they may vote. Sad to say however, that politicians take advantage of their status in life and resort to buying their votes.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
21 Feb 07
i got your point and it made sense to me...well yes its true those people doesnt pay their taxes and yet much priviledge...but i think the catch here is that the govt., is trying to help those people that cant work..its their duty and its ours too as what we called humanitarian reasons..just keep in mind that that were so much blessed although poor but have work and still have confidence and dignity to be proud of..its like the sayings that goes "its better to give than to receive"..well about voting..its their right too to vote coz theyre a citizen in our country and we are exercising our right to a democratic country...its how democracy works i think...just live with it..
• India
20 Feb 07
hello thios is an indian guy and looking sonme good frinds from united states if your from united states just knock me waiting for your reply from sincerly charm indian helooooooooooooo u thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
our votes are useless.Traditional politicians are always on the loose man.We've been in captivity for the last 100 years..politicians tend to serve their own interest.If they could only share their pork barrel,there will be no more hungry people in this country.The government was known to be the biggest thrash can because of the why should I vote??I wish that there would be a civil war in this country to irradicate these trapos.
• United States
20 Feb 07
In the US, if you work, you are paying taxes. If you shop, you are paying taxes. If you buy gas, you are paying taxes. Everyone should have a right to vote, and everyone should educate themselves before they go about voting. I fear that within my generation there are a lot of people who are so "laid back" about their voting habits that they refuse to educate themselves. You cannot force an education on anyone though, so until we find a way to creatively educate those who you think aren't educated enough, the undereducated will continue to vote.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
There is also lots of what we called professional squatters here. The sad part is they were given money over and over again. Politics in our country is just like a popularity contest, is there any country that has as many actor-politicians as ours? I don't think so. I agree, only taxpayers should vote until such time that the other voters were educated.