Britney spears

United States
February 19, 2007 8:57pm CST
What was she thinking? have you seen her yet? Why would she shave her head like that? fashion statement? i hope not because then we will have a bunch of little teenie boppers running around with no hair!
3 responses
• Barbados
20 Feb 07
She is going through a divorce so please understand that anyone who experiences a divorce is going through a very depressed stage of their life with uncertainty. I once was divorced and I took up exercise and became a freak and lost so much weight that I had look like I came from hell. It affets one mind so much that we have to support her mentally. let us accept that she made a drastic change but it is one that will grow back.
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I think that the answer is that she wasn't thinking. I think she has completely gone over the edge. She's nuts. I never thought much of her ex (fed-ex), but she seems to have really lost it. I might actually believe the two kids would be better off with him. Or at least not her. I think she might have started off as someone really cute and appealing but her true redneck not too bright elements have surfaced big time.
• United States
20 Feb 07
I did see a pic and it is sort of weird that she shaved her head out of the blue...BUT, I do have to say that she doesn't look HORRIBLE bald. she looks pretty good for a bald woman, actually. I'm not all into baldness, but she doesn't look too bad. Maybe it symbolizes something...a fresh start, a new life?? Don't know.
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