Movies you're embarrassed to like

United States
February 20, 2007 10:16am CST
There are lots of discussions on what's your favorite movie and what movie do you dislike, that sort of thing. But I want to hear about what movies you're embarrassed to admit you really like. What started this idea for me is the reviews coming out of Jim Carrey's movie 23. Many of them say his performance is over the top and that he cannot hack it a dramatic actor, and some point to the movie The Majestic as previous proof of this. But the thing is, I loved The Majestic. It made me cry. I love Martin Landau and Laurie Holden, and it's one of my favorite movies. So now it's your turn. Tell me what movies you love that the critics hated, that tanked at the box office, that your friends mock. Do you secretly own the extended director's cut dvd of Showgirls? Do you pop in Mariah Carey's Glitter every time you're feeling down? What is your secret cinematic shame?
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13 responses
@Schala (60)
• United States
23 Feb 07
A movie that I find myself defending a lot is my favorite movie, Labyrinth. Most people see it as a children's movie, but I find it an in-depth coming of age story.
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• United States
23 Feb 07
I love Labyrinth, it's a great movie. There is a lot of value and pleasure to be had in children's movies, and people who can't see that are really missing out on a lot, in my opinion.
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• United States
26 Feb 07
I love the Labyrinth. That's one of my all time favorite movies. I watch it every couple months. Sometimes I use my daughter as a cover up and say she made me do it. :D Those who really know me, however, now better. I also love the Dark Crystal!
@chadd_atl (288)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I'm embarassed that I still ocassionally pop in "Dude, Where's My Car" and I still laugh all the way through it.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I am not embarrassed to like any movie, though there are movies I like that people think something is wrong with me for. I do think that Jim Carey did a good job with Majestic as well, I think he did a good dramtic performance but the problem many actors face is that they get locked into a type, and the critics and or fans won't allow them or accept that they can do more. Stalone is an example. The movie Oscar is very funny, and in a few other things Stallone has shown comic timing that was very good, I also enjoyed Stop or My Mom will Shoot. But they were flops and the critics didn't like them, because he wasn't playing rocky or rambo. He had some of that comic timing in Tango and Cash but he was still a tough guy cop in that so it was ok. And I really enjoyed what could be termed as a bad movie, it was saved by its great play on words through out the film. Buffy the Vampire Slayer [not the series the movie] I had gone with a friend of mine, earlier in the movie the one character a vampire lost his arm. Well at the end of the movie during the fight scene this character tells Buffy "i am faster, smarter and better than you are i can do anything better than you" She responded with "oh yeah, clap" Well my friend and I laughed, no one else in the movie did. They didn't get it. I think if more people had listend to the words and maybe used a dictionary once in a while then more would have laughed a few times during that movie when I and my frien were the only ones laughing.
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@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Well I love StarShip Troopers, but I'm more proud of that than anything :-) That is such a great "bad" movie. That's what I like to put on when I am feeling down. It's really so bad it's good. Movies I'm embarassed to say I like hmmm....Oh, I know...Reign of Fire. It's a post apocolyptic movie with dragons staring Christian Bale and Matthew McCoughney. I liked it so much more than I thought I would. I think it's largely regrarded as "crap" though. I love the post-apocolypic genre anyway. I guess on that note I could admit that I didn't think WaterWorld was entirely awful....even though I think Kevin Costner is a total ego maniac.
• United States
20 Feb 07
If it makes you feel better, I loved Reign of Fire and Starship Troopers :-)
• United States
21 Feb 07
It does ;-) Thanks!
• United States
21 Feb 07
I will say that the movie was at least more entertaining that the book, which was one of the most droll, tedious things I've ever read.
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@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Oh dear, there are a bunch of movies that I like that I'm afraid to tell people about. For instance, I love Cruel Intentions...even if it is a teeny bopper rip off of Dangerous Liasons. I also liked The Wedding Planner even though there really isn't anything special about it. It is just a generic romantic comedy. I think the worst part for me is that most of my favorite films are considered more for children. I was looking through my DVD collection the other day and realized that almost everything is either Jim Henson or animated. If they don't fit into that category, than it is either romantic or fantasy (sometimes both like The Princess Bride). Oh, and don't get me started on my love for period films? It's really boring and the people are emotionally constipated, but they are wearing corsets? Well then hold me back! I must see it!
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I guess I am not embarrassed especially my any of my movie favorites, but movies I have to defend liking would include any of the period piece films I like (like Emma) or any of the Shakespeare play films I like (Much Ado about Nothing, Merchant of Venice, Hamlet) and the Village. Lot of people dislike the Village and I have had to defend it a lot. I guess the cartoons I like (Fraggle Rock and the Muppet Show) are also things I feel a little childish liking. Then there are teen movies like Ten Things I Hate About You, which I love but seems like an odd choice. I guess I like what I like and don't worry about what other people think about my movie choices. BTW I liked Reign of Fire as well ;)
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@Jshean20 (14349)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
Well I'm embarrassed to admit that I really enjoy the movie "Ernest Goes to Camp", most people think that Ernest movies are silly..but I really liked it. I thought that it was especially cute when Ernest was signing his sappy song to the turtle (forget how the song went now). I thought that Ernest did an exceptionally well job of getting those "boot camp" kids under control.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Actually I'm not embarassed to say I like a movie. I'll tell people I liked them and leave it at that. Now I have had movies that I didn't like and kept quiet on mostly because so many others love them. The Godfather comes to mind, Casablanca, Pulp fiction for examples. I hated them but so many people love them that if you say you don't like them you get looks of "What's wrong with you?" and then they start in with the bits of well you just need to rewatch them or you need to watch them with me so I can point out what you missed, etc. So I have a tendency not to admit to most people movies I dislike more then those that I liked.
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• Pakistan
20 Feb 07
lol ... good question ... hmmm lemme think ... well i m embarrassed to like all the girly movies ... like all i want, 50 first dates, newyork minute bla bla bla ... PEACE !!!
@monalizra (219)
• Romania
20 Feb 07
i love animation movies... but my friend don't... and sometimes i'm realy embarrassed to claim watching them when they are around...seme happens with old romantic movies
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• United States
26 Feb 07
I love the Majestic... I also love a lot of those dorky movies they make for teenage girls. I watch them with my wanna-be teen daughter(she's 12 going on 16!) Like Raising Helen, The Princess Diaries. I'm a sucker for classic Disney Movies, not too fond of the more recent ones. I watch Grease every time it's on. I have a huge collection of super embarrasing films.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
I am embarrassed to say that not only do I like the movie Centerstage, but I've watched it over 10 times and I own it. (However, that is not as embarrassing as my boyfriend loving and owning the PowderPuff Girl movie.)
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@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I am sometimes embarrassed to admit that I like really girlie chick flicks. Its always movies like "Where the Heart is" or similar girlie films. Movies like these I usually prefer watching by myself and don't want anyone to see me watching them. Otherwise, there are not other movies that I'm ashamed to admit to liking.