omg did anyone see wife swap last night? Who in thier right mind eats raw meat?

United States
February 20, 2007 5:22pm CST
The family last night was a self sufficiant farm family. That's great very cool very smart and handy information to give your kids. BUT THEY ATE RAW MEAT. They had a jar of "high" meat.(months old) that they would eat to calm down too. ( probably gave them a high of some kind) The mom did not clean her house she feels bacteria is good. to an extent yes. you build your immune systom by being exposed to bacterias but raw chiken and eggs? saminila e-coli ..... oh thye also brushed thier teeth with a clay and butter paste she makes. care to guess which body parts will fall out first?
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15 responses
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think that the family needs to educate themselves more. Some bacteria is good, b but not all of it. Things like staph can be deadly. And eating raw chicken is not good at all. My husband had salmonella as a teen and it nearly killed him. He got it from eating undercooked chicken (he didn't know it was undercooked, he just narrowed down what he had eaten that could have given him that bacteria). He'll tell you it's not a good thing to have, at all. Oh and did you see her gums? They were red and inflamed. That's not a good sign. What really grossed me out was when she needed scissors to cut her underarm hair.
@Carissimo (262)
• United States
20 Feb 07 was so disgusting! I cannot imagine eating raw meat. I am a vegitarian...I was so grossed out. Also, that woman wanted to slaughter a chicken in front of children....what is wrong with her. Did you see her lick the freakin floor? Where do they even find people like that? was almost to much to watch!!!
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@cherhost (1072)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Ewwwww I saw it too. THat was crazy! I can not see how they can live like that. I think that it is ok to have a some what of a messy house... but DIRTY! No way! I have toys all over the living room and paper all over the office and my kitchen table seems to catch all. But dirty is not one thing that flies in this house. Also I am so cautious about the raw meat thing. I wash my hands a million times and I spray the counters off with bleach so that I can be sure it is not still there. What on earth is this lady thinking? As for the teeth thing... now that was a bit extreme! YUCK
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
20 Feb 07
All of those things have centuries of historical backing behind them, actually. I wouldn't do any of it - though I have eaten raw meat as part of various ritual ceremonies - but it's not that odd to me. Plenty of people try and live 'natural' lifestyles based off of historical data and practices.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I think that was really gross. I know that some people practice living similar to the way they do but I don't think I could even do it for the I'm sure some of it was just for pure entertainment value..but not too much. The toothpaste thing was really gross too. I don't think it's working too well for them as they all had bad looking teeth and gums. I wonder how they got the kids to eat raw meat..didn't they say they had only been doing it for a year or something like that? I was being distracted while watching it so I missed a few details. I still think the "Jesus Warrior" was the best so far...that was really something
• United States
22 Feb 07
oh yeah we still quote the jesus warrior here. "THEIR NOT CHRISTIANSSSSS!"
@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
20 Feb 07
No I didn't see it. I watched it one time and I couldn't believe the things these people done. These people were very weird. I don't understand why anyone would want to swap their wifes anyway. People would do anything to be on tv wouldn't they lol.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
21 Feb 07
They probably been doing this all their lives so it probably doesn't effect them. I would never eat raw meat. shivers yuck yuck. But I have heard of people that make everything they use like the butter & clay paste and soaps and so much more. I mean some of it probably healthier. But more power to them I don't think I can do it
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• United States
21 Feb 07
Some of the people on there are a little strange. As for the raw meat it can be good sometimes. Some places it is a delicasey. As for the raw chicken that is very bad news but raw eggs won't hurt you. I wish I would have seen that one it sounds like it would have been a good one to watch. That show is always matching up totall oppisites for a reason. To get ratings. Also I feel some of that has to be scripted. It's just that some of it feels directed and not like real life. I could be wrong but that's how I feel about most reality shows.
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• China
21 Feb 07
Addressing the issue of eating raw meat....ummmmm....many people eat raw meat. Sushi/sashimi for instance. Secondly, eating raw beef is also traditional in Japan and Korea. It is actually very good. Mind you it isn't months old...but that wasn't your question. I believe you question was "who in their right mind eats raw meat?" The answer, millions and millions of people. You should try it sometime.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
22 Feb 07
While they might not have been made sick by all of that raw and or rotten meat, that's lady's gums proved that her oral care regimen isn't working so well. Did anyone notice how dark red her gums were right above her top teeth? Well, that's full-on gingivitis! Of course they are too prideful, ignorant and stubborn to go see doctors and dentists. i say their teeth will fall out first.
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@defeated (141)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I saw it.....and thought I was gonna HURL! Have seen alot of things in my long life....but that has to the nastiest thing I have EVER seen! They just started doing it about a year earlier I think they said.....but my goodness - where in the world did they come up with/get the idea that to eat raw chicken/egss was good for them??!!?? Did I miss that? And what was even scarier was when they went to the doctor - even the doctor couldn't give them a sound medical reason NOT to do it (other than the possible obvious ones). Now that's SCARY!
@meowsy (116)
• United States
21 Feb 07
dang i missed it and forgot to record it!!!!
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Ok, I saw the show. The farm family grossed out millions of Americans. But once you get over the gross out factor, what is really so wrong about the farm family's diet. Ever heard of "jugged hare", "thousand year old eggs", "steak tartar"? What about peopel who eat their steaks rare? Rare steak is partially raw. Eggs sunnyside up are partially raw and they are total faves among many people. There is nothing really wrong with the raw food diet. I personally would draw the line at raw meat, but then I just don't like the taste. I used to eat rare steak, but I moved up to medium. I just didn't care for the taste. All over the world there are things that people eat and think of as normal while others would think of them as gross or weird. For instance, you would never ever see me eating a hissing cockroach, but in some countries, they are considered a normal food source. In India eating cows is the most horrible thing you can do since they are holy animals. I happen to like a good steak so I would gross those people out. Eating pigs to some people is like eating fecal matter, but I happen to LOVE bacon and ham. So I would seriously gross those people out. So, different diets does not mean that the people are gross, it just means that they are different. As for the cleaning of the house, even cave people tried to keep their caves clean. There is no excuse for such filthy habits. I know that the family said they never got sick, well it is kinda hard to get sick when most germs are passes via the hands and you never see anyone other than your family. It isn't that they have built up immunity to germs, they are just never exposed to any. They ARE 90 miles from the nearest city. As for their butter/clay toothpaste, if they make their own butter it isn't going to have anything in it except butter and fresh made butter doesn't last nearly as long as commerical produced butter. Also, toothpaste as we know it hasn't been around that long. Before toothpaste, most people just used twings that had been split to make them look like brushes to rub at their teeth. Also eating an apple will clean your teeth and freshen your breath. The apple has been called nature's toothbrush for centuries. As long as they are flossing too, I think they will keep their teeth for a while.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
Wow, i didnt see it, but what idiots, i mean, raw meat is horrible for you and raw eggs too. I agree completely with you lullabell.
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• Canada
21 Feb 07
i saw that. it was so gross. raw meat is gross and carries bacteria. i would never eat like that. even the eggs that they ate raw can make you sick.
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