Have u ever said to ur dad, " I LOVE U DAD"

kid - i love u dad
February 20, 2007 9:29pm CST
i wonder when i read topics about guys leaving their home,getting separated from their parents for no reasons. How can one do that,to me my Dad is very important part of my life and i cant live widout him. Ofcourse as we r male, especially DADS, they r not so much at ease to express their love on their Son,,, but his doesnt mean that he doesnt loves u.And i feel becoz of this reason a child grow up with that mentality and he also rarely says that "I LOVE U DAD",and unwillingly this distance is created. But frnds, A FATHER IS UR BEST FRIEND, and if u havent till now, then go and say this to ur dad today itself, dat how much u love him. I say it everyday,and i know he wont reciprocate everytime with words,but the love can be felt in his voice and can be seen in his eyes,,,, I LOVE U DAD, MISS U .... SAY THIS TO UR DAD, frnds it works wonders to nmake u feel happy within.
5 responses
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
i seldom say i love you dad to my dad maybe he is far away from us and where not that close enough. i dont' even remember when was the last time say that word to him... how i wish i could say that right now even if im 26 already. wanted to let my dad how much i am thankful that he became my father
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
i grew up seeing my mom on my side, and ever asked my self - does dad loves me? im my entire life, i have never said " I Love You Dad". I have been aloof to many thing from my dad, but despite the fact that i havent said that word to him, deep in my heart - he is still my dad.
@ctv101103 (859)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
yes, i have. and i still do. i love my dad very much. he has made a big influence in my life.
@mic123 (204)
• India
21 Feb 07
Yes I agree with you .Its very important to say these words "I Love you Dad , I Love you mum as they derive a special affection from it thus bringing you closer to them and vice versa.
• Canada
21 Feb 07
I always believe to express my feelings to the person I love. I always let my father know that I love him & respect him alot & he is the one who influenced me a lot as a human being, as a father & as a doctor.