Are you beauty conscious?

February 21, 2007 9:48am CST
I think there is no single individual, who is not concious about his or her beauty.Is there any one who, doesnt use face powder or face cream atleast a day.I think no.Is there any who doesnot comb hair for a single day in the whole life.
5 responses
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
nope im not beauty conscious as long as im confey to what i wear then it's ok with me
@rusty2rusty (6751)
• Defiance, Ohio
22 Feb 07
Well,than you are wrong about the first part. As I never use face powder or face cream ever. I never have. I don't wear make up either. I have never had a need to. I do comb my hair at least once a day. Sometimes more thou. Depending on what I am doing and wear I am going.
• India
21 Feb 07
Yes, i am a beauty conscious. i find beauty every where and in every thing made by nature and god.
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Yes I am definitely a beauty conscious. And I also have the same belief, that every body is concern on how they look before they go out of their houses. Like putting a face powder, lip gloss, and combing their hair at least. This covers all ages, even the young ones are getting too conscious nowadays. My 3 year old daughter can not leave the house without fixing or tying her hair first and putting a nice clothes to wear. I my self always makes it a point to put a face powder & a small touch of lipstick and a blush before going out. I always want to look good because it makes me feel more confident and happy.
@hezoid (2144)
21 Feb 07
Definately! I wouldn't say i'm vain, but i certainly like to take care of my appearance and make sure im well presented. Of course i always like to make an extra effort too to look good on specialy occasions too. I think it's partly a personal pride issue, as i take pride in looking my best. Also, it makes me feel good about myself to do my hair nice, put on my make up, wear perfume and and nice clothes etc, and somehow makes me feel more like i can face the world. A bit like putting on armour? I do feel concious of the fact that others may be judging me on how i look and maybe not so much on how beatiful i am or aren't but on how i've presented myself ie clean, bruhsed hair, carefully applied make up, polished shoes, clean, neat nails, clean and non-scruffy/stained clothes etc. Even at home i make some effort to look nice for my partner. I've certainly not gone a day without brushing my hair, even if i've been ill!