Do you get along with your brother or siter? (I RATE)

@SKLC_PT (1234)
February 21, 2007 1:55pm CST
Do you get along with your brother and sister. I have no problem with nor my brother nor my sister. But I was wondering about everyone else's situation. Do you get along? Why? How long has it been like that! Thanks in advance for all and any replies!
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6 responses
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Feb 07
No, though that is her choice. As little kids we got a long okay, and then when I started 1st grade she started getting snooty (she's older than me by 2 1/2 years). It went downhill from there. She moved out from my mom's when she was 17 (my mom and her had a falling out) and I didn't see my sister for 11 years. She finally came to my boys' birthday party back in 2001 (my sister was snooty to me then too) and I haven't seen or heard from her since.
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@SKLC_PT (1234)
25 Feb 07
That's bad, I wonder whyy some siblings are like that to their own blood, I certainly can't understand it. Have you tried talking to her about it, to tell her how you feel, I don't think you'd have anything to loose upon doing so! Maybe if you tried contacting her and telling her what you feel you'd have a chance of getting along better.
• United States
21 Feb 07
Yes I get along with my brother he is like my best friend. He and I have always been close. No one can ever come between us. Now me and my sister we get along but, we are not close at all. And I feel bad for that but we are so different and it's hard to get along with her.
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@SKLC_PT (1234)
25 Feb 07
I'm happy you get along so well with your brother, it's a pity you and your sister don't share the same relationship. Have you tried talking to her about your desire to get along with her better? Maybe if she knew she'd react better.
16 Dec 07
I do. Sometimes it's hard because of things but it's important that we do. I wouldn't like not to get along with him, you can't always help it though. ~Joey
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I have a twin sister and three brothers. I love them to bits. We have been close since we were little even though we live so far apart. We are all a year apart except my twin and I and my younger brother. We were born in the same year (2 in Feb and 1 in Dec). Our age ranges from 38, 37, 36, 36, 35.
@SKLC_PT (1234)
21 Feb 07
That's great, it's nice to see someone has such a great relationship with their siblings. I hope it continues that way! Have you ever gotten mad with any of them, or do you forget things easily with them?
• United States
21 Feb 07
I have one sister I am 22 she is 20.We fought all through childhood and had nothing in common.She had a baby and i am a very active uncle this has brought us closer.We still are very different but now have a link.We all grow up sometimes.Congrats on your successful family relationships.
@SKLC_PT (1234)
21 Feb 07
Well it's not a 100% relationship in my family for example I dislike my dad more then I like him! Thanks for your input, I'm glad to hear that the child brought you closer together!
19 Dec 07
Its not easy having 5 siblings and we're a big Italian family too so theres always something going on haha....but through it all ya I get alone with my brothers and sisters :)