**has this happened to you?**

United States
February 24, 2007 10:32am CST
I've recently posted a discussion simply voicing my opinion, and because someone disagreed they have decided to give me a negative rating. When did that become the norm. Everyone is not going to always agree with your opinion but that doesn't make them wrong. Infact that is what makes us human. I did not abuse or disrespect anyone however they gave me a negative rating. Has this happened to you? What should I do?
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22 responses
@lifetalk (679)
• Pakistan
24 Feb 07
hmm.. never happened to me.. but lately i've been hearing people all over mylot saying that this is happening to them.. people who are disagreeing with them are often giving them negative ratings, or people who dont like them give them negative ratings to cause their star to fall.. the reason? cze it is said that the higher the star, the better are ur earnings.. and this jealousy thing creeps me out..
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• United States
24 Feb 07
Jealous maybe? I don't know. LOL
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• United States
24 Feb 07
My star rating increased, but not my earnigs. My earnings seem to be exactly the same as it was when I first started out. I just try and be patient, maybe it all works out by payday, I don't know. I can't believe that there are folks who would rate a person with a high star negatively, just to bring them down. Do people really do that? That is strange, for sure.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
How do you determine whether or not you've gotten a negative rating? I don't see where we can find that information. I think mylot would do well to make someone include the reason they're giving a negative rating so they can determine if someone is doing it because the person was posting something negative or irrelevant, or simply because they disagree with what the poster wrote. This might deter people from giving negative ratings for the heck of it, or because they disagree with what someone has written.
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• United States
24 Feb 07
I agree. I don't know who did it or whatever but it reflects in your star rating. I have a pretty decent reputation here for posting good discussions and I think that is kinda immature. I also agree with you that mylot should make people explain why.
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
25 Feb 07
I just want to interject here, that mylot has put safety nets in place so that one person can't make your rating fall. It might not even have been the discussion but possibly a response that multiple members found lacking and rated negatively, or it could have been an error as I see that you are a 9 again this morning. I'm sorry that your star fell, but one member can't cause that to happen according to mylot.
@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 07
I'd like to know how did you know you had a negative rating. I thought there is no way we would know when we received a negative rating. Mind explaining how we can know about negative ratings received? I am sure most of us are also interested to find out.
• United States
24 Feb 07
It was based on my star rating. I was at a nine working towards a ten and when I look up it's an eight.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Yes, this happened to me to the point that I lost two star rating numbers overnight - and the worst part is, I still don't know who I upset. They didn't come forward, they just targetted me behind my back, and I still can't get back up to a nine star. I don't think that there's too much that can be done, honestly, other than keep posting good quality posts and wait for your rating to rise again, hopefully your friends will help, and I know that I will be giving you plusses as I give to everyone! I love giving out plusses ^_^
• United States
24 Feb 07
I also give you plusses regularly. Don't worry about it. Some people just have issues.
• United States
24 Feb 07
I think that is wrong that your rating should go down simply because someone disagreed with you. How can people be encouraged to say what's really on their mind? I guess if we want to do that, we just have to not care about our popularity. However, I think if someone is being gross and wierd and downright offensive and ugly, they should be dealth with somehow. I have no idea if I've had any negative ratings or not. We're sort of at the mercy of myLotians I suppose. I try not to "attack" anyone, or any lifestyles or beliefs..I try to be objective and respectful of everyone, but you never know, there are people who are out for blood out there. I may inadvertantly say something that may offend someone, that's always a risk when you write what you feel about something.
• United States
24 Feb 07
I know what you mean
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
All I can say is bless that person who gave you a negative rating. It's no use allowing yourself being bothered by it because come to think of it, that person might have more issues to resolve within himself/herself. As for me, I would never rate a person negative even if that person disagrees with me or have a totally contrary opinion or way of thinking from myself. I always give positive rating contrary or otherwise based on its content. Once I even chose the best response the one that is contrary to my belief because of the way the person expressed her/his belief in such an empathic manner.
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• United States
25 Feb 07
wow u should be a lawyer. You are pretty good with speeches
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Feb 07
I don't know to be honest as I do not know where to look for the Ratings I never know wether I get Plus or minus lol. But yes you do get some nasty People on here and it is against mylot Guidelines to. The only time you should give negative is if you report someone or if it is just a one word. I am sorry this happened to you.
@emarie (5442)
• United States
25 Feb 07
its probably happend to me. i mean i've posted discussions about gay marriage and questioning the bible. i'm sure someone found that a little offensive at one point. i even had a really big discussion about smoking but i think that might have gotten deleted for some reason. but it happens sometimes. people don't know how to use the rating system properly. i would love to know who rated me badly and why. how did you know that you were rated a negative?? i didn't think you could figure it out. i know some statments i make here on mylot in my own discussions and others doesn't always agree with others. but its an opinion and if you come on asking for others opinion, you're going to get it!
@mariam74 (555)
• Egypt
25 Feb 07
Ok don't do anything just leave them to do what they want anyway this will not make mylot decrease your rating or decrease the money so leave them and you are free to say what you want without fear of this negative rating (I've read this in my alerts that no mean of the negative rating that users put for no reason only because they don't like subject or etc...).
• Grand Junction, Colorado
25 Feb 07
It's not possible to know what who caused our rating to go down, but one person can't do that. Mylot has put great effort into seeing this happened and even sent out an alert letting people know that going around and marking a single person negatively in the end would only hurt that person. It's possible that your rating fell for other reasons such as a response in another discussion, but if it was the discussion then it was multiple members marking the discussion negatively. Your rating is back to a 9 so maybe mylot checked into so many negatives and made the adjustments. :) As always this is just my 2 cents worth and I mean no disrespect. :)
• United States
24 Feb 07
First, there's no way to know if someone has given you a negative rating. Second, no one person can downrate you enough to lower your rating. If your star rating dropped, it's because a lot of people downrated you.
• United States
24 Feb 07
I know. I posted a controversial discussion about abortion and a lot of people got angry. I know that it takes more than one person.
@Sasselle (698)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
How do you know they gave you a negative rating?? It's not like it pops up on the screen to tell you so unless they told you that then you wouldn't know!! I've had "heated discussions" with other mylot users before as we didn't agree on the same thing - but that doesn't automatically mean that i gave them a negative rating for it. Sure I didn't agree but they were still partipating in the discussion which is the main point so I gave them a positive. It is against mylot terms of discussion to rate someone negatively because you don't agree with their opinion ... but that doesn't stop people from doing it! I've even seen threads where people don't even know that it's wrong!! At least mylot have now changed their star rating system so that one person can't target you and make your rating fall - it has to be more than one. Also they have said that if you constantly give out negative marks then it will show on your own account. I personally would love to see something introduced where you have to give a reason on why you are rating someone negatively - i think that it would weed out those who just abuse the system. No one has the right to say your opinion is wrong. Really you can't do anything - just continue on mylotting and having fun. People won't agree with everything someone else says ... so just learn from the experience and move on
@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Yes I think that has happened to me. When I come across a post that I can't agree with I do not rate them, because I could not rate them fairly. If I think I can rate them fairly then I rate them. But most of the time I do not because of my disagreement. And I know it would not be fair to rate them the way I feel.
• Canada
25 Feb 07
I say ignore it. There are unfortunately some people who will rate negatively if you happen to have a different opinion to them. The vast majority of people here rate positively because they appreciate the time and effort that others put into discussions and responses. There are just a few that like to spoil it for the rest of us. Don't worry about it. it's not going to have a huge impact on your rating or reputation. Keep posting. The different views and opinions of others are what make us all individuals.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
25 Feb 07
It happened to me too, I was a 10 until one day poof I am down to 9. I also had 2 discussions removed. I work hard on my reputation here. I contacted mylot, never recieved a response back. I will just keep on being myself and hope my star goes back to being a 10. Good luck on getting your star back too.
@junior07 (972)
• India
25 Feb 07
ya this happens,well giving negative rating is not a good thing.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
25 Feb 07
well firstly i dont know how you found that your discussion was negatively rated.second of all if you had read the recent alert by the mylot administration regarding users wantedly marking down other users.this in no way harms the other users reputation.so you dont have to worry about it.and of course there will be people who ll mark you down.there will always be two sides as you said people who mark you up and those who mark you down.We are all after all HUMAN arent we?
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
25 Feb 07
According to myLot it takes MANY people to give negative rating before it affects your ratings...perhaps you posted an opinion in a way that made others mad or upset them??? I think it would be unfair if one person's rating could affect anothers so drastically..Is the minus sign just for abuse or disrespect or does one use it when they think someone is completely out of line? I don't know the answer...but do I received the memo from myLot that stated it would take many people's feedback to drop a rating....Good luck...
• India
25 Feb 07
u just continue wht u r doin..start ur discussions n it may be sometim someone not agree to u...n ur case i hav seen it frst tim as i m a new user...but plz inform me if u r getting more details regarding this...i dont think it should happen as itz a human nature not being a kind of sam .....
• United States
25 Feb 07
Yes this has but dude its just a rating its not anything special and also im wondering whats the difference if u have a high ranking or a low one ??