How many people think President Bush is ok?

United States
February 24, 2007 2:32pm CST
I really can not stand him as a president,what he done to this world, and war.. please give me your honest feedback, about what he means to u, and represents to u in this worls today.. express yourself..remember lets keep it real?
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3 responses
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I do not like President Bush. He has led america astray from what we really need to be focusing on. Now, just because I don't believe in the president, does not mean I'm a patriot. To be patriotic, you believe in the country, not the president (a quote made popular by teddy rosevelt) I really feel that he must start answering some questions before people lose faith in the system all together. We needed to find Osama BinLaden, and Mr. Bush stated that "He just doesn't spend that much time on him." We found Sadam, but look at how much violence is still around? We were lied to with bad intelligence going into this war. Katrina Victims are still living in fema trailers, our national debt is astronomical, and we have poor and straving people here, and children without health care. If he really wanted to protect the homeland, he and his cronies should start taking care of the people in the homeland, not the so-called "enemy" abroad.
• United States
25 Feb 07
you know, I have to agree with u on this issue..becuz thats so true.. he has not done anything to help us out.It just keeps me angry, at times. i wonder whats going to happen next
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11 May 07
I don't like this Bush anymore than I liked his daddy. I didn't vote for either one of them. This one got re-elected because of daddy and his influence. Bush blew the budget before he got involved in Iraq. He doesn't care about the environment, health services or education. Everything that I have read about him points towards his low regards for women. He doesn't have a foreign policy. He invaded a country with no backout plan. He doesn't have a clue as to what he is doing with Iraq. We used to be respected, but no longer. He has proved to the world that we can't be trusted. I will be so glad when his 8 years are up. I just can't understand how so many people voted for him in the first place. He is even losing support from his own party. He has failed the people he is supposed to serve. This is not a government run by the people, for the people. It is by the rich and for the rich. He has helped the rich by cutting their taxes, while the hard working person got screwed again. No tax cuts for them. Medical care in the States has sky rocketed, who can afford it? Bush has done nothing for the health and well being for the country. It's past time for a change.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
9 May 07
I think the only reason he even got into politics was because of his father. It would be like a baker's son who just has no clue about cooking opening a bakery just because of his dad. It's would be a disaster. I think politics is a natural instinct as well as a highly education profession. I don't think this president has any instinct at all and I don't think he has as much education as a person needs.