
February 25, 2007 4:15pm CST
If your partner had an affair would you get revenge by doing the same?
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14 responses
• India
25 Feb 07
no way...if she has betrayed my love iwud neva do the same fer revenge..i wud never betray her trust.
19 Mar 07
Oh guy that is so sweet!!!!!!
@susan50 (110)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Having an affair just because your partner did would definitely not be the best thing to do. Kick that person to the door. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I know from experience on that. No one deserves to be cheated on and that is exactly what it is. If a person can cheat on someone they are suppose to love then that is not the right kind of love to have.
• United States
28 Apr 07
well I consider affairs for the people who are married, so I will say if I am with someone and they cheated on me, two wrongs don't make a right so I won't cheat for revenge..that would be me jeopardizing my I would just leave the cheater and find someone who would be true to me...
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
28 Apr 07
No.The unfaithfulness -as revenge or as fun-makes me tired.I blame myself for it.If this is his first sin-we shall discuss what`s wrong between us, what is the reason.But if he does it many times-may be it`s time for separation.I am understanding person, but i am not a fool.
• United States
25 Feb 07
When you are in a relationship with someone you have a bond of trust. If my boyfriend cheated on me, he has broken that bond. I can no longer trust him. I would have to leave him alone. I could not give him a second chance because after that I could never trust him again.
• Melbourne, Australia
28 Apr 07
I thought once that it was fair if I had revenge on a partenr that cheated on only left me aloe, pregnant to the guy who cheated & labled a cheap lay. The best revenge is to just move on, be happy without the cheater & let them see how damn happier you are without them in your life. If you don't want to leave them then put a tracking device in their mobile & make sure you know where they are. Then face them each time they cheat.
@brimia (6581)
• United States
25 Feb 07
No, that would only make things worse. I'd either end the relationship or work very hard at trying to trust my partner again.
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I don't think a stupid behavior is worth imitating, and revenge will certainly not be the answer to any problem. A cheating partner is enough issue, you doing the same does not make you a better person, but instead you are being immature by stooping down to their level just for the purpose of vengeance. I do not see the point, if a partner is cheating then leave him/her, why do such a thing if there is a better solution to the problem right?
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
No, when it happened, I kicked his butt out of my house, He lost visitation rights to see his kids, not my doing by the way, but his girlfriend's, and he never saw them for more than 10 years.
@hartnsoul (558)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
Definitely NO. One mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake. Besides, if this happened to me, I'd probably go for the "sweet revenge"! LOL. Instead of me raising hell to make a point, I'd try to catch them red-handed and simply smile. Be civil and gracious yet strike lighting glances on my hubby. Cook for him, prepare his stuff, acknowledge his presence and stuff and I am sure that he'll be a puppy following you around coz he's guilty as hell and he wants to make up for his mistakes. MAke him feel your worth. Love yourself more. Now if this is the situation where your husband really doesn't want you anymore, then that's a different lot.
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
No, I wouldn't cheapen myself that way. My revenge would be leaving him and living well.
• Romania
25 Feb 07
i would definitely not do this as a revenge. i wouldn't do it's not a solution,not at all. if he acted that way it doesn't mean i would be so dum to think the same way. i mean if that was all he could think of doing, ok, it's his problem. i'm not saying that i wouldn't get hurt but i would just not do that back. i think i'm a rational person and i really don't believe in revenge. i think it's just as they say that "revenge is the weapon of the stupid". and one more thing. if a man would cheat on you then such a revenge wouldn't hurt him a bit because he wouldn't care anymore.having an affair means to me going into interest 0 in the partner. answer is no.
@hestee (250)
• Nigeria
25 Feb 07
No i will not sink to the level the person it's simply not worth it. I will take the moral high ground and move on with my live. Like they say two wrongs don't make a right.
@Iccara (131)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Im married to a guy I have been with for 7 years. I must say if he had an affair I would not scoop to his level and do the same thing. That makes me just as low as he is. I think if my hubby had an affair there would be no relationship. He would of lost my trust. I would be devestated. To have a relationship you need trust and if you dont have trust you dont have a relationship. I would definately be seperating and thinking about divorce. I am anti-divorce. I think you can work through anything (maybe because i have seen my parents go through so much and are still married after 36yrs together). I think having an affair is one of my only reasons i would be getting a divorce. I guess there are circumstances, but thats my thoughts and feelings