rating on mylot how it works

@kparab (301)
United States
February 27, 2007 2:48pm CST
I have got a rating of 6 i suppose how it is given. while posting a message its SAYS that 500 rating as only allowed to do so i.e. pasting links i want to know how the rating is done and how to increase the rating in my lot. does rating increases the earning per message?
2 responses
@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
27 Feb 07
myLot keeps the detail of it's rating and payout algorithms secret. In general though short worthless posts do not count. Discussion with more responses increase your rating. Positive votes + increase your ratings. And total number of posts, new discussions, and comments increase your rating.
@072006 (1276)
• India
27 Feb 07
Hey hi,well you can get rating depending on how quality response you posts here,as here you can make money just by answering discussions on mylot, and starting new discussions too, infact you can boost your earning by uploading photos, so keep posting quality responses, keep searching good discussions about which you know something and can answer, strictly avoid one liner posts,best luck and happy earning!!!...cheers!!