Is drinking yourself to death considered suicide in gods eyes?

United States
February 27, 2007 3:23pm CST
I know that if you commit suicide you go to hell. That is one of the sins that god will not forgive you for. My boyfriends uncle drank himself to death and the funeral is Thursday. He knew that if he didn't stop drinking that his liver would burst and that he would die. The doctors told him this, yet he did it anyway. So if he did it and didn't even seek help, then is it considered suicide? Or is drinking a sort of disorder/illness that people can't overcome. Whats you opinion? Im pretty sure he would go to heaven. But it sounds the same as slitting your wrists and your doctors telling you that you must stop. And then you don't because of 'depression, another illness' and you end up killing yourself. Wouldn't that person go to hell??
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4 responses
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Nothing like a delayed post, but thanks for the best response selection. You were the first to honor me with that and I appreciate it!
• South Africa
28 Feb 07
We can think what we want, but at the end of the day, God knows best and he is the judge.Nobody else.
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I don't believe God will look at it like this as it really is a disese . It is hard for us to look at it like that when someone we love is doing this but chances are he didn't have the strength to fight the addiction even though he knew it was harming him .He obviously made some bad choices in life but we are only human and we all do this and when we realize the mistakes we have made in life it is usually to late . I am very sorry to hear of your loss .
• India
28 Feb 07
Hi, its pretty bad to hear that after getting the information from the doctor he should have taken things seriously but its really a good lesson to the youngster so that they can have the heads up on this before they do something silly on this.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
28 Feb 07
That is a tough one. I think that is up to God & he will have to sort it out. I think there can be extenuating circomstances, but I don't know. I guess this truely is a case of judgement being in God's hands.