Does anyone know if Eureka is coming back for a second season?

United States
March 1, 2007 1:26am CST
I enjoyed the show and I was wondering if was re-newed or cancelled.
5 responses
• United States
13 Mar 07
Yes it is! Your question inspired me to look it up at the Sci Fi website. I had been wondering the same thing. I can't wait, it was a very interesting show. The Sci Fi website says it has been renewed for 13 episodes and will be coming in July of this year. Too bad it's only 13 episodes though. :( I wish some of their seasons were longer and I'm at war with the Sci Fi channel for cancelling Stargate.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Hmmm...funny how when you don't see something for awhile it leaves your mind. I used to watch Eureka and enjoyed it a lot. I'd like to see that it comes back, but I haven't heard anything yet one way of the other.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Jun 07
July 10th
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
2 Mar 07
I'm pretty sure it is going to be back on the air in the summer. I think July, but I may have that mixed up with the 4400.
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• United States
21 Jul 07
To answer your question Eureka is back on the air. On the sci-fi channel if you have cable. since I do not know where you live. I live in Georgia. Its back on the sci-fi channel. Its all new. Enjoy. p.s. love the theme music.