Chocolat is it good for you?

March 2, 2007 8:15am CST
Hi, I have heard that chocolat is good for you. Kind of hard to believe! I heard that dark chocolat is the best. Was wondering if anyone had a opinion on chocolat. I personnally thought that if you eat chocolat you gain weight!!!
2 responses
• United States
20 Mar 08
yes and no. chocolate is actually good for help losing bellyfat when eaten in moderation like a quarter cup per serving. it is when you overindulge in chocolate is when the pounds start packing on. lol.
@mywords18 (645)
• United States
2 Mar 07
oh chocolates is so lovely no matter u eat them or apply them as beauty mask they rock,,,, but yes excess to everything leads to disasters to eat and use things in limits and enjoy their benifits