Does the media affect you?

United States
March 2, 2007 6:26pm CST
Does the media have an impact on peoples lives as argued by many people? How does the media affect you? I think the media affects peoples lives to an extent. I do believe that if a product is advertised by a famous person then a lot of people will run out to the store or where ever and get it. But i do not believe the media has the affect to kill someone as a lot of people are blaming music lyrics as to why people kill themself. Sure maybe it plays a part but its not the complete reason.
1 response
• New Zealand
15 Mar 07
Of course the media affects people. The news for instance, is in reality, just a distorted vision of the world fuelled by corporate interests. Although with internet news, and people relying more on blogs from a personal viewpoint, this seems to be changing. It also depends on what you define "media". It can be a book. It can be a newspaper. These "affect" us in a broad sense that we learn from what we see and read and generally add what we have read/listened/watched to our own personal cultural literacy. Anybody who pretends that media doesn't affect them is either stupid, or living somewhere in a third world country.