Where is my ex?

March 6, 2007 6:08am CST
Have you ever wondered where your ex gf/bf now? Is he/she better of with another partner? Do you still have a soft spot for him/her?
4 responses
• Philippines
1 May 07
i still have communication with some of my ex's. one is already happy with his family while the other one is contended with his business and i think won't try to get married anymore :) is he better with his current partner? i guess so, because they compliment each other more than we do. they have traits which makes them perfect for each other, traits that i don't think i can fill in. soft spot? as a friend, yes. but as a lover, none at all. i have found my man and he completes all the spots i have in my heart. he filled it with overflowing love that i no longer have to look for other people to fill it :)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
i never wonder where my ex bf's were because i know where they are. they're even my friends after the break-up or even years gone passed by. i know some of whats happening to them because we have common friends and sometimes we communicate also. if they have a soft spot?..well, i guess yeah ...the care will be always be there forever because once in my life i loved them, right?.
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Well, all I can say is that I know where my past boyfriends are right now, but I don't know where my husband is =) Weird, but true. I always stay friendly with my ex-boyfriends, an easy thing for me to do since my ex-boyfriends had always been my friends and I do love to hear from my friends. I never had a bad break-up with an ex, so I'm up-to-date with my ex-boyfriend's activities, but just to see if they're ok. Pure platonic, nothing more than that, when I end a relationship, I end it completely.
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
actually i never wondered where my ex gf now! she's just around presumably happy with two kids now. we used to sending text messages about two years ago and even jokingly telling her that my feelings were not gone. the kind work she's in now kept herself busy so we seldom communicate now, but our friendship remains intact.