I'm new. Please help

United States
March 6, 2007 10:15am CST
I just signed up with myLot. Not sure how will I get paid. Is there a number of discussion I have to do to get paid. How do they afford to pay anyway. What can I do to get paid more?
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2 responses
@simplycza (1480)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
hi, i added you pls approve me. just keep on starting discussions or replying others. welcome to mylot :)
1 person likes this
@paidreader (5143)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Hello & welcome to mylot! We're glad you decided to join us. :) I would like to suggest some links for you to visit so you'll have a better understanding of mylot & how it works. I know it helped me when I first got started. Look at the bottom of this page and review the information in Terms, faq, guidelines & of course, earn money. I think you'll find the answers you're looking for in these pages. Hope you'll enjoy mylot as much as we do. Best of luck! :)