Does anyone here have the experience of logging mylot by using of Linux?

@liming (114)
March 7, 2007 9:16am CST
I never used linux before. Hope somebody can tell us the difference between using MS Windows and linux.
3 responses
• India
7 Mar 07
I am logging into mylot through a linux system. Linux is just another operating system like windows which is free to be used. You can do most of the thing you do on windows on a linux system. First difference as i told you is that Linux is free to be used. Next one is that it is very stable and virus free. A lot of free softwares are available for linux for your daily needs.
@liming (114)
• China
8 Mar 07
Thank you very much. As for virus free of linux, maybe this lies in the fact that the users of linux is much less than windows so fewer hackers have the interesting in designing special virus for it.
• India
8 Mar 07
Thats not the actual reason. Since Linux is deployed in many servers I think virus attackers should be interested more on linux than windows. But still there are vary less attacks on linux and this because the way linux is developed. Linux follows posix rules which is the foundation for unix. The file system is in such a way that no one other that the system admin can edit the system files. So if a virus creeps into a user account it can't do any damage to the whole system since it can not access any system related files. Windows doesn't have such a security measure so it is easy for any one to create virus for windows.
@andben (1075)
• Italy
26 Mar 07
I use Linux since 2006 and I installed Mandriva 2006 distribution, that is a version of Linux very easy to use and very similar to windows. There are many differences between Linux and windows: Linux is virus free, is more stable, doesn't suffer of fragmentation of files and it's faster than windows. Also you can find a lot of open source software for all your needs.
• China
25 Mar 07
Linux is open codes and can be tailored by the programmers, the preexistence is Unix, the windows is the produce of the MS company, but it seems that Gates doesn't want to tell others about the core codes to the world hehe