How many of you like to work in night?

Indore, India
March 7, 2007 10:22am CST
Hi, I am a software engineer by profession. I am working as a free lancer. I like to work in night and sometimes do it up to 5-6 AM. How many of you like to work in night? Do you think it is a common think for programmers to work in night? Personally I feel very comfortable in night because there is no disturbance and there is full silence.
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8 responses
• India
27 Mar 07
hi vinod here,i am an engg student[cse], its very common to find engg students to work till late nights,so it becomes habbit, what i mean is working longer at nights may not be problamatic, yes i would prefer to work late nights when i will be a professional[which i will be].
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I feel the same pratikjain, I can use my comprehension skills more at night. because there are no other disturbances like noise, good tv shows, and a silly daughter. =)
• India
7 Mar 07
Hi dear i m not a working personal but i m a final year student of mca. i love to work at night since there is no chance of disturbance and if some times i loose my concentration then i have no option to go away from my work. my work become more effective when i work at night
• Italy
14 Mar 07
I like working in night when I am alone. When i was working in a software company, we often workd during the night at the office, because we were late, but I think it was a big mistake; we all were tired and make a lot of errors that we had to correct during the day after!
• India
13 Mar 07
hi i am ankur .this is good to read in night but the student which are studing in college what will they do.question aries that at what time they will sleap. u r also right that there is no disturbance but if anybody disturb u u can tell him please not distyrbe me at this time this is one type of solution.
• India
17 Mar 07
But working at night is not good for health in the long run.I feel it is better to finish early.
@JuliaPan (564)
• Canada
7 Mar 07
I agree with you. I prefer to work at night too. Though since I became a Mom, I get too tired before night, so it's rather hard for me to sit and work at the computer at night now. Until 00:00, not later. When a student, I used to do my homework at nights, at 2-3 a.m. As for programmers, you're right, I've met many ones who usually work at nights. You are not alone. :)
@balaa_in (170)
• India
7 Mar 07
I love to work in shifts.. because if you work in shift we can able to do our personnal work in the other times. In case if you are going to the office in general shift you use to start from house around 9 am in the morning and back to home around 6 to 8 pm in the night, you cannot do any of the personnal work in these time. But if you went for the shift basis, you can do your work like going to bank and other works can be done at these times.