which health juice or dietary supplement drink is the best????

United States
March 7, 2007 6:11pm CST
SINCE FEBRUARY OF 2006 I HAVE BEEN A LOYAL CONSUMER OF TAHITIAN NONI JUICE.. a dietary supplement thAt is well know for turning around common and dangerous health situations. The ingredients are blueberry and grape juice for taste and all natural "NONI" fruit from the island of Tahiti. Noni atands for "Gift From God" and the French Polynesian Indians have used it for over 2000 years for healing and strength. The Noni Juice floods the body with Anti-oxidants and free radicals that boost the immune system and allows the body's cell receptors to absorb more nutrients. All of the bodys internal organs begin to function like a new born baby all over again and I love the increase in my energy and stamina. The Juice has assisted in my recovery from Angioplasti surgery in February of 2006 and since then my High Blood pressure and Diabetes have greatly improved. My doctor is impressed after 15 years of being a Diabetic I have finally obtained the recomended wieght for my hieght and my age. Now I market Tahitian Noni products and I am always helping people turn thier health challenges around too. Send me an email at cwcamerica@gmail.com if you want to find out more about the product or the business opportunity. BY FAR TAHITIAN NONI JUICE AND TAHITIAN NONI PRODUCTS ARE THE BEST OUT ON THE MARKET AND SECOND TO NONE.... BUT TELL US WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HEALTH JUICE OR DIETARY SUPPLEMENT DRINK AND WHAT HEALTH ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOU HAVE PERSONALLY ACHIEVED WITH IT...
1 response
@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
8 Mar 07
I cannot say what's the best because i have only tried one and that is INTRA. There are good benefits that one can get out of this supplement and I have been a living testimony of the said supplement.
• United States
8 Mar 07
okay... I never heard of that one before but I will do my homework THANKS...
• United States
8 Mar 07
I haven't heard of that either but I would like to try it too...