No patience for humans that don't treat their animals right

United States
March 10, 2007 7:45pm CST
If you want,you can scream at me after I make this statement. But after reading what humans do to their animals out of lack of education, or emotional caring, gets me outraged. If they don't know what to do, then they should go to a vet, read a book, or go on line and find out how to train, feed, and tend to an animal. I'm sorry, but I just get outraged, of these things I read on MyLot. Don't have a pet, if you don't want a family member for it's entire life. Do not expect it to be human, and understand as we do and punish it so harshly. And, please vacinate it, keep it indoors, and feed it better then what I read on this site. If you cannot afford it, don't get it. If you don't like it's temperment, don't get rid of it. Would you get rid of your kid? They need lots of love and care. If you cannot do it, please do not have a pet. And for goodness sakes, protect it better. This is not ment to the animal lovers out there, that love and spoil their furry children. This post is to people who don't have that love and regard them as some animal. Well, humans take the cake and are worse than animals could ever be sometimes. Well, with that said and off my chest, you can say anything back you want. I don't care. I love animals and someone has to talk up for them.
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38 responses
• United States
11 Mar 07
You go girlfriend. I agree 110%. My dogs and cats are my babies. They are more spoiled than I ever let my kids be, lol. I have seen some terrible things done to animals, some of them by my own father growning up. It was scary and made me cry many times. I would go after and comfort them and try to nurse them back if he hurt them. I can't tell you how horrible of a feeling that is and how much anger it built up in me. As an adult, I don't stand for anyone abusing their pets. I also say if you can't afford to treat your pets right, then you shouldn't have them. They have needs too, like vets, medicines, the proper food, grooming needs, that have to be met. So, if someone wants to scream at you, they will have to do the same at me.
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• United States
11 Mar 07
Thank you honey. I don't care if anyone screams at me. I feel for these animals so much it hurts. Don't they realize the animals have feelings and emotions too? I was watching tv and saw such mean inhumane things done to animals, that I had to leave the room. Your animals are blessed to have you.
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@graham31 (487)
11 Mar 07
You go friend,i to are a animal lover i have three gogs all different sizes.They can be so loving now and again they get into trouble but nothing more than a talking to.It sickens me when i see animals getting miss treated especially on bonfire night,you get some horrendous stories at that time. Your right the animals need a voice
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• United States
11 Mar 07
Thank you for your support and response my friend.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
Margie if you've ever read some of my discussion threads, you will see that you and I relate to each other a lot in terms of how we feel for animals. I have always said that animals are like humanbeings, they just speak a different language than us and I'm sure people think I'm crazy for even saying that. When I had my kitties in for surgery I sat with them at the vet clinic up until they closed that night just because I wanted to be there with them and make sure they were alright; I'd do it if it was my humanbeing child so, why not? The vet looked at me kinda funny and said normally people don't ask to sit and have "visiting hours" with their pets, but I did not care. There are too many animals out there in need of a good home and people need to seriously consider spaying/neutering their pet to cut down on the overpopulation. A lot of people say they can't spend that kind of money all at once, but what people need to understand is that vets love animals and want what's best from them and most will even put you on some sort of payment plan to make it work; it's definately worth looking into.
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I love animals too and do not like hearing anything about people abusing, killing or doing anything harmful to their animals or other animals. It is very sad hearing this on the news or on the internet. People need to learn how to take care of a pet if they want one. They also need to learn the consequences of not taking care of an animal. Some people are just very irresponsible and do not care what happens to the animal.
• United States
11 Mar 07
You are so right. Then the people give them to the shelter because they don't like how they don't behave. People are so mean to animals it makes me sick.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Mar 07
Wow! I guess I missed something. I guess it is a good thing that I only see discussions from my friends. Because my dogs are very precious to me. When my partner wanted another dog, I reminded him that would mean another series of puppy shots AND Sentinel for a year. (We buy the Sentinel year supply because it is cheaper.) And for anyone that owns a dog...Sentinel is the best from your dog. A little monthly pill keeps all the worms and fleas away! You don't have to worry about whip worms, hook worms, heart worms, and a few others. Did you know that dogs can get infected with worms from a mosquito? So, it is very important to be sure that you give them a monthly pill to prevent these parasites. These parasites can kill you dog! And it kills a dog very slowly. Not a cool way to go. Sorry, margieanneart, I thought I would send the message of how important the monthly anti-parasite pill is along with your message. :)
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• Canada
11 Mar 07
No appologies necessary, I think its very important to keep animals in healthy happy states! That is good information for anyone who didnt know it!!! People will be happy you shared your knowledge with them :)
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Mar 07
Margie-- I agree too. I know a woman who got 2 cats last summer, had them for 5 months and then took them to the shelet because they knocked over her external hard drive (a computer thingy) one night. I could never do that with my kitty...sure, she knocks things over and makes messes, sometimes even on purpose, but she also loves me and gives me hugs and crawls in my lap and purrs until I feel better....How do you ever repay that kind of love? For my Rainy kitty, it's the best that I can get vet, best food, best toys and all the love she'll accept.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I totally agree with you. I am also a major animal lover as well and I feel that exact same way. My husband and I have 2 birds and he takes care of them, and we adopted 2 kittens revently and I swear thay get treated better than me kids do. I Hate hearing about an animal being miss treated or abused it breaks my heart in so many ways.
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• United States
11 Mar 07
Amen to a wonderful topic. I agree wholeheartedly with every word!
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• India
11 Mar 07
i also like pets. but i dont want to keep them in my house, because keeping pets is like loosing their freedom.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
I am so on the soapbox with you on this one. As you may or may not already know our ranch is a temporary emergency shelte for all animals. I won't even begin to tell you the types of abuse that I have seen. Just remembering some of it makes me sooooo angry and sick to my stomach all over again. I wish you could see my "zoo" of the odd and unusual creatures that live here. It's so amazing to see the resilience that animals have. Even after terrible abuse, they will still learn to love again. I would love to have a hanging tree right in my own back yard for the previous owners of these animals. It just brings out such black rage. I could see myself walking by them and hitting them with a stick just like a pinjata. But then I would be the saddist. And for pete's sake,, spay or neuter your animals. There are enough unwanted creatures in this world. Boy did you ever strike a nerve with me M&M!!!!!!!
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@khalablue (309)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
There is nothing quite so special as the unconditional love of an animal. My dogs and cats are my children. I read one time that they have the intellect and emotional level of a 2 year old child, and that is how they seem to me. I can't comprehend how anyone could abuse another living creature. A few years ago a female acquaintance gave away her 9 year old cat because that was one of the conditions placed on their relationship by her newfound male friend. I have never been able to think of this woman with the same esteem as I held her in prior to that. If another person ever gave me that kind of an ultimatum that would be the end of the relationship. To me, that is the ultimate deal breaker. I agree with everything you have said.
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• United States
11 Mar 07
Something definatly wold have gone, alrighty. And it wouldn't have been my cat!
• United States
11 Mar 07
Something definatly would have gone, alrighty. And it wouldn't have been my cat!
@angel_690 (208)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I agree with you also, I have house cats that I do not let outside because of things I have seen, I use to work in a veterinary hospital and I would go home teary eyed because of putting animals asleep due to care they never received like they should have gotten. My cats are more spoiled than my children, of course I have teenagers and they talk back but my cats show me love all the time. I have not been on mylot that long but I am glad I have not read any mistreatment to animals. I feel people who are cruel and mistreat animals needs to have a penalty similar to what is in place for when people are abused. I always said if i had the area for it and money for it I would give as many animals a home as I could. I feel sad when winter rolls around and i see cats or dogs wandering around without a home. I am glad to see there are people who feel like me when it comes to animals.
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@vicki59 (23)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I am new here at mylot, but I definitely agree with you. I myself have 2 pomeranians, 4 cats, and a rabbit. They are my life, there is nothing I wouldn't do for them. I actually found the rabbit running across a busy street, took her to a vet cause she was sick, 500.00 later, they said put her to sleep, her teeth grow backwards,so I must cut them weekly, she had a lump in her neck,which is now gone. she was violated before I had her and was torn up. But 4yrs later she is here with me and happy. My 1 cat, I've had 17 yrs, and he's sick now, but I tend to his every need. Just lost my old guy butch after 18 happy years.Broke my heart. I really think there must be stiffer punishment for people who abuse, and abandon their pets. Too much of that is going on.My little Pom- Jazzy is a rescue from florida, she was left in an empty house to die. When I got her she was afraid of everything, about 2lbs, and no hair. Today she is absolutely beautiful, and happy. I bought her a pretty pink doggy stroller and a tiara.So when her and JJ get tired of walking, they ride.But I used to work for an animal shelter,and saw so many sad cases.and most of the time there is no penalty. This has got to change. Maybe they should have a pet ed. class in schools for kids. It would be a good start.
• United States
11 Mar 07
I wholehartedly agree with you. If you're going to get a pet, do research first to see if it is something that you're able to do. People who get a pet and then say I can't afford to take it to the vet shouldn't have bought the pet in the first place. You must be willing to commit the finances, time, energy, lov, and patience of having a pet. If you aren't sure a pet is for you start off with something like a goldfish.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
11 Mar 07
i got a chinese chow chow dog years back. i bought him using my whole savings from my job. he looks like a bear and really huge. one day, i saw a neighbor throwing stones at him even when my dog is inside our fence. and my dog started limping. seeing what he did, i called the cops and we settled things infront of the cops.. everything written. he was put to promise that next time he does it to my dog, he will be put to jail and get fined. and he never did it anymore. i say, you are right, if you can't afford to take care of your dog's needs, don't even bother to get one. if you can't understand your pet and love them, then, don't get one. and if you already have one and can't just share your love and attention to them, there are agencies who will accept your pets and take care of them. better than hurting your pets or neglecting their needs.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I hear you loud and clear. They are a commitment. Our are outdoor and we provide for them. House to sleep in, water, food and toys. We seek them daily and daughter often goes out and reads to them. We love our critters and they are the animal part of our family. Our cats also. They are tended, spoiled and loved as much as they let us. Our feline animal parts of our family. I too think it odd that people get something and then ask how to care for it. I have always studied and know about what my critters are all about before they come to us. There should be a special place for those that abuse or kill one of our pet type friends.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
Having a pet is a big responsibility because it is dependent on your care as a pet owner. Here in the philippines, sadly some people get puppies because they're cute and when the dog grows up they become neglected. I've seen so many stray dogs here that were taken in as puppies then left to roam around when they got bigger. I used to live in a neighborhood where there were a lot of stray dogs roaming at night and since i worked then in a call center and was on the graveyard shift, i was constantly scared of going out for fear of getting bitten by these stray dogs. In my opinion, how you treat a pet reflects how responsible you are as a human being.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It is hard for me to see my pets as animals. They add much to life and deserve to be taken care of. I don't know what specific treatment you are referring to, and I don't really want to. Animals of all kinds deserve love and good treatment. Even the ones that are wild and not suitable as pets. They all serve purposes and are here for a reason of some kind.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
Way to go girl. You have my support and if everyone knew what you know: That animals have feelings there'd be no problem. I see you've had a lot of response to this post and all of them are in your favor, Sssoooo lets hope those who don't give a rip will LISTEN UP !!!
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@kavi112 (232)
• India
11 Mar 07
hi iam also a animal lover.. i just cant bear animals being treated badly..u know some just buy pets to spend their leisure time.. they dont even feed them properly... they feed them with the wastes in the home.. when i have asked many people thaey say its just an animal..arent they also gods creations just like us.. i wish for one day alone the pets become the masters and the masters become pets... and let them treat the same way they were treated by those cruel humans...
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