What is real and what is a scam?

@TriciaW (2441)
United States
March 12, 2007 4:41pm CST
I hate going to those sites where you have to click on something and then they want a credit card to try it. I have never found one that pays well without me having to give my credit card and when I have given my card I have gotten more charges then expected and it is devil to get them to stop. I look on here and see tons of sites people list on blogs and haven't really found anything that says to me yep I want to do that. I have done the survey thing and it starts off fine but before I reach the pay out suddenly I only get surveys that I can win chances at a drawing. I love ChaCha and mylot but what else is really out there? If you have something tell me honestly how much you get paid and how often.
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18 responses
@gmgroup (21)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Tricia, are you specifically interested in Get Paid programs or are you flexible in earning money other ways? You can make money with GPT but in the beginning, it is extremely time consuming. But once you build up a good downline of ACTIVE referrals, you can make some consitent money....in about 2 years or so. Another alternative is to find a home business or get into affiliate marketing where you promote someone else's product and earn a commission on each sale. You can make a lot more money in less time with a biz. Choose a biz or product that you can really sink your teeth into. Start with what do you enjoy doing. Is it health & wellness, travel, crafts, etc.? Then make your selection based on your interest.
@neo2012 (40)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Hi Tricia, I found the EXACT same problem with paid survey sites. I spent 39 and all I got was a link to more survey sites that took 20-30 minutes to fill out and then asked for me to buy something from 3 different catagories before I could get paid. What a scam. Anyway I got so fed up I started a blog about internet scams and what programs I tried and what I wanted to try. Also found several that I recommend you DONT try. If you want to find out more try my blog site www.internetripoffs.blogspot.com my blog also has links to a lot of good home based business information. Good luck with your search and let me know if my blog helped you out.
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
13 Mar 07
You can check on my blog, www.earn-onlinesites.blogspot.com
• India
13 Mar 07
I have one Free signup & pays u what u make it's called cashforaction http://cashforact.notlong.com It's payout is $0.10 for paypal I got paid $0.12 in my account
@qbt0910 (73)
• China
15 Mar 07
i want on-line to make money,if really may,consult teaches me
• United States
13 Mar 07
Please, do NOT ever give out your credit card info unless you are actually BUYING something. If they ask for a credit card #, it's a scam! As far as making money, if you like writing you can try writing articles at Helium. It's making me a bit of money (but only a couple bucks.) Surveys don't really pay you much, but some of them are legit. For my experiences with Greenfield Online (one of the legit ones), goto: www.helium.com/tm/192957/greenfield-online-shouldnt-expect Good luck with this, and if you do find anything, please share with the rest of us!
@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
we have the same problem too and for me it's just a waste of time and energy,so deicded to just here in mylot because this site really pays..i think the best job online where you are not required to give investment registration is like this one,forum that pays you everytime you post and response,those are real!like dormcheck also.
@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
13 Mar 07
Borrowing the tactics of stock market con artists, the Securities and Exchange Commission created a fake investment scam web site, luring thousands of users who are ultimately told they've been scammed. Experienced searchers know that the web is home to all manner of bogus information and opportunities for suckers to be separated from their cash by shysters and crooks. Nonetheless, countless inexperienced users have fallen prey to online scams. The U.S. SEC apparently thought the problem was big enough that it launched an "educational" effort to warn unwary web users about the perils of believing everything read online.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Here, Cash Crate gives you a choice of the credit card deals or 100% free. No scam and they pay nicely. http://www.cashcrate.com/index.php?ref=171458
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
I thnk Mylot is real, and other get paid forums are scam. I've been scammed by other forums that says they will pay you for posting. A lot of things like this have emerged on the internet. My advice, trust your instincts, and do your research.
• Indonesia
13 Mar 07
if you founded site need your private data like your credit card details for sign up please just leave it.... thats real scam cause thats site will charge you or maybe using your card for fraudlent on another site... these always happen and sometimes they used your data for steal your email or any other what you have so carefully ok
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Here is an article i wrote on ways to make money. You don't need a credit card either. http://www.helium.com/tm/182691/couple-extra-money-line1 Here is my dorm check refferrel link. http://www.dormcheck.com/register.php?refer=mssnow55 I also love cha cha and mylot. I make my best money at both.
• China
13 Mar 07
I am sorry ,i am a roolie.i hardiy understand what your say?
• India
13 Mar 07
yes, my dear u r right not only u many of us working housr on net but when the time comes for pament ither the site is down or may more things comes on the way. But I trust mylot because one of my friend invited me to mylot got lot from lest month. so I thing it is not that kind of site. U can go on. thanks
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
Well here's the thing and I am sure of it. When they offer you free products but needed to get those credit card numbers. Well obviously that it a scam. Why would they ask for your card number if they're willing to give the product for free? Instead getting your home address is more efficient than getting those numbers. So don't give away your numbers and be aware of those scam sites. Trust me you will have a hard time calling those companies that charged you something you never purchased. And who's to blame next? your credit card company? because you cant reach the scam site? thats a NO NO dear! So we have to be aware and careful on how to use the card. I experienced those problems, tons of scam sites. Because I work with a credit card company and most people disputes charges from scam sites. Unauthorized charges. But what can we do? As much as we would like to give credits but what about our bank? Don't get your eyes from free things because its really hard to get things for free. Be aware of things that's the key.
@rizalcb (33)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
You must be careful use your credit card online. If you want to pay for something do a research first for the program. There a lot information you will get just search for the program on search engine. For me I don't believe surveys program because many of them just cheat. The best way to make money you can join the affiliate program. That the right way to make money but it not easy and need alot of work.
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
if a site asks for your credit card instantly, always assume they only want money from you, and it is most likely a scam. if its legit, like mylot, it will not ask anything from you if they wont give anything such as softwares and the like. be very careful.
• Egypt
12 Mar 07
i met alot of sites which they want acredit card as acondition to sign up in their . i annoyed from these sites because iam search for free sign up sites to participate in so i hate these sites