Are there any Buddhists out there?

@babykay (2131)
March 16, 2007 4:02pm CST
Any Buddhists out there? If so, were you born into a Buddhist family or did you "convert" later in life? What are your reason? I admire Buddhism and the Buddhist lifestyle greatly. From a logical point of view it is the religion that makes most sense, in my opinion.
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4 responses
• Thailand
17 Mar 07
I am a Buddhist and came to it for precisely the reason you state. I spent several years exploring various religions and in the end Buddhism made the most sense to me and was a better fit with my personal belief than any other I could find.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
17 Mar 07
Very interesting. Are you vegetarian
• Thailand
18 Mar 07
I am not a vegetarian but I do not eat that much meat. I live in Thailand and we use meat more as a condiment than as a main source of food. Being a vegetarian has nothing to do with Buddhism.
• United States
16 Mar 07
I don't call myself Buddhist - but I do follow the 8 fold path and believe in the 4 Noble Truths. I also believe in reincarnation and karma. I just don't think that I know enough to call myself Buddhist.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Buddhism is very much a part of my spiritual path however I wasnt born into it nor is anyone else in my family Buddhist (that I know of at least)....Why did I start to include Buddhism into my path? Well for vary reasons really but mainly because the philosophy of it is very much what I've believed in for many yrs so it just made sense and seemed very logical and natural to add it....Of course what I practice is more of a Western World style of Buddhism since the traditional Eastern practices just wouldnt work in my life all things considered....
@Odin27 (63)
• Australia
17 Mar 07
I changed my beliefs from Christianity to Buddhism in my late teens after experiencing double standards and contradictions within the church. The more I questioned Christianity, the more it was lacking and the more I looked into Buddhism, the more at home I felt.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
17 Mar 07
Very interesting. Are you a vegetarian? Can you reconcile your Christianity with Buddhism...
@Odin27 (63)
• Australia
17 Mar 07
I can accept Christianity as a path that people may choose to follow but I find it generally uncomfortable to be around. Even though I no longer follow it I have been tolerant and patient in regards to family or others in their attempts to proselytize, but the lack of a logical basis in their arguments and continual preaching have made me rather avoid it if possible. I don't know if there is any reconciling with that part of my past, it was something I believed in then to the best of what I knew. I guess it fullfilled my spiritual need to a degree when there was nothing else, but I could never return to it. If anything there is still some healing to do. I've had only positive experiences with Tibetan Buddhism and hope to delve deeper into my practice and study. I have been vegetarian for a while but went back to eating meat. I found it takes more organization than I have at the moment but I try to have meat free days and I pray and acknowlege the sacrifice the animal has made at each meal.