Would you marry an ugly but intelligent or good looking but with no brains?

Ugly? - Am I ok for you?
@heatspine (1141)
March 16, 2007 6:54pm CST
Here's a classic. Would you marry an ugly but intelligent person or one that is good looking but has no brains? Why?
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22 responses
• United States
17 Mar 07
i would rather have someone with brains than good looks but thats just me
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
you say that because the truth is, we marry somebody whom we get along with pretty well. and we usually land with somebody who is not too handsome and not too intelligent, either.
@momknows (284)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I would and did marry a man that I have something in common with. Not saying we're smart and not saying we're stupid. People ask why we've been together soooooooooooooooo long and my answer is...you have to be friends first.
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
soooooo true momknows. but then again, the question revolves based on physical and mental attributes only -- removing feelings temporarily.
@brckoba (795)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I would choose the ugly but intelligent. Why would i want to have someone who I cannot have an intelligent conversation with?! Besides the prettier she the more likely she is to be conceited and superficial! I want a woman who is down to earth!
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
hahaha ... typecasting brckoba ... hehehe.. then again there are people who are beautiful inside and out.
• United States
27 Apr 07
I married an ugly but extremely intelligent man who was also a great teacher and a wonderful father. I admire a lot of people for their looks, but I wouldn't want to waste my time even talking to them if they don't have brains. Anybody who marries just for looks deserves what they get, and that usually isn't much.
@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
17 May 07
hi unusualsuspect. now that's speaking from experience.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
The ugly man, hands down. Good looking is fine and dandy but if I cared that much for eye candy I could always spend my mornings in Starbucks or an athletic club. :) Anyway, let's face it, one day I won't be capable of much in the bedroom, so I'd like to at least have someone to talk to. :)
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
Nice term ... eye candy :)
@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
4 May 07
If I am a man I will choose the latter, but if I am a woman I will choose the first one. As a man, I'm very proud of having a good looking wife. I will take her to all places to show my proud. As a woman, I don't care about my husband' appearance, but he must be intelligent, then I can live a better life. Frankly, it is the social's demands. When I love a person, he will become handsome and intelligent even he is ugly and no brains.
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
9 May 07
nicely said wonderful1. as the saying goes, beauty (and maybe intelligence) is in the eyes of the beholder. social norms only is a perception of others, what's more important is our own relationship to that person.
@myownsn (198)
• United States
17 Mar 07
meh i wouldnt want either but if i had to id take good looking lmao
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
good looks is what you like :)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
When one gets to know a person even someone they believed to be not as attractive at first can become better looking when you realize how decent they can be . Looks are not that improtant in life as we can all be good looking in our own way as long as we are clean and take the time to dress nicely . I would definitley prefer to have someone who was intelligent then to a good looking guy who would only think about himself and his own needs anyway .
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
17 Mar 07
Looks are not as important to me as brains. When people get older their looks tend to go anyway. So if I am around for the long haul and not just a fling, my answer is obvious.
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
.... and come to think of it ... during the course of your long haul ... you are trapped with that ugly person ... though interestingly smart
• United States
17 Mar 07
Neither. I couldn't stand being with a man with no brains; I place high value on intelligent discussions and I want a man who I can stay up late with and talk about recent scientific advancements or business strategies. I couldn't be with an ugly person either. I take good care of my body and I expect the same from my partner, and I want to be sexually attracted to my partner. Call me shallow if you want but I think it's important.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Hello, It wouldn't matter if they were ugly,handsome,stupid ,or smart . It would matter if ther were nice and if I connected with them. R
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@lucy67 (819)
• China
13 May 07
i will choose the former without hesitation because i think intelligence is more important to men. besides a very handsome partner will make me lose self-confidence.
• India
4 May 07
Well it depends on how un-intelligent she is. But i would give looks a wee bit more priority.But if it's the extremes then smart is the answer for me.
@bukiebluz (153)
• Nigeria
19 May 07
i rather go for the brains cus its not his facial looks that will provide money and shelther for the house.i'll go for someone who is determined in life and ready to make hay while the sun shines.
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
27 Apr 07
For me it's a lot less about looks and brains and more about if we have similar interests, how he treats me, and if our personalities are compatible. It doesn't hurt to have someone who is smart or attractive, but those are down there on the list of things that I consider. I would marry an ugly, smart person or vice versa.
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
certainly, i will go out and look for a happy compromise. if there is none that i can find around, then i'd opt not to marry at all.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Good looks aren't important to me, so I would go with the ugly but intelligent man. I would rather have a decent conversation with someone who knew what they were talking about as opposed to someone who didn't and was just DUH :) How boring life would be LOL
@Zo0mZo0m (1357)
• United States
17 Mar 07
No, neither. I can't do the ugly thing and I can't do the dumb thing. He has to be good looking and intelligent. No partialiy for me. I have to have someone good to look at and someone intelligent to talk to. That's it that's all. No ugly or dumb dudes for me. It just wouldn't work out for me.
• Canada
22 Mar 07
Brains are so much more important than looks. The truth is, if I like her for who she is, she will always be pretty in my eyes.
@graham31 (487)
17 Mar 07
well firstly i'm pretty intelligent myself.But i'm going to be vein and say i'd marry good looking with no brains. Why? Well i would have enough brains for both of us and i'd make the important decisions taken away all the presure from her.In turn that would just leave her to carry on looking good.Also i wouldn't want to be seen with someone pig ugly on the end of my arm(well i did say i was going to be vein)when i step out i want someone who'll turn heads. But let me tell you,you can get both intelligent and good looking all in one.My wife turns heads when she's out and is very intelligent.I guess i'm luck