When should I stop using a dummy / pacifier ?

March 17, 2007 3:14am CST
My son turned 12 months old today and only has a dummy at night at the moment or if he is being really difficult when I am out but I feel like people look down on me when he has it? When is it unacceptable to use a dummy? some people never use one and I see some kids when they are 4 still with one,I was hoping for him to have not needed it by now and I am worried he will get more attached to it if I keep going the way he is....should I just go 'cold turkey' and just stop using it or will he just stop wanting it???
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3 responses
3 Apr 07
my son was off his dummy at 6 weeks my other 2 never had dummies so the best thing to do is just throw it away and ignore the child when putting fingers in the mouth it does no harm to do that aslong as you keep an eye on them as i know you do as a mother would.good luck but its upto you hope this helps and you do well.
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Danielle (seems funny to write my own name), just find a way to get him weened. Find something else that soothes him. This is a great time to create a different bond. I'd rather my child be attatched to a blanky or stuffed animal than a pacifier. A good way to begin is to not let it be visible, remember he is human and you know how some of want things just because we see it. Make a game of trying to look for it. If they really want it they will play. Just stay calm and don't get frustrated. Be creative, that's one of my favorite things of being a parent, you can make a game out of almost anything to distract them and you get to be a kid again by bringing out that imagination.
17 Mar 07
I don't think 12 months is too old to have it. But if you are feeling uncomfortable why not remove it except for when he goes to bed. If he is still having it at 3 I would start to worry. Ignor everyone else, you do what is best for your son and yourself. 12 months is still very young. God luck.