are you comfortable with your weight? what size would you prefer

@smithy86 (137)
March 19, 2007 5:53pm CST
are you comfy with your weight at the moment? im not, especially with all the size zero going on. id like to lose another stone. Ideally i would like to be a uk size 10 and be around 9 stone. What would you like to be
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9 responses
@mummymo (23706)
20 Mar 07
Great discussion smithy - I used to be a lot smaller than I am, in fact I left hospital 3 days after my first child was born in a uk size 8-10 jeans, I am now between a 16 -18 and while I would like to lose my tummy, I would HATE to be so skinny again - now I've had curves I love them! As for size zero models please don't start me off on that ........
@pitstop (13658)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
I'm pretty much a thin guy and really wanna put on weight - but nothing works! On the funny side my fiance told me that on the day of the wedding there will be a weighing machine at the church entrance and if I havent put on 5 kilos she wont let me in!! Help!!!!!!
@kyran_12 (643)
• India
20 Mar 07
i dont dont know whether this discussion is for me or not but then little disturbing you, as i am from india i really dont know what dose this stone means, then i am 5 feet 7 inches in hight and about 51 kg in weight, i want it to be 59 atleast but then once reply me what dose stone means?
• Singapore
20 Mar 07
I am comfortable enough with my weight. I like to maintain it the way it is. Losing a bit more fats should be nice. ;)
• Andorra
20 Mar 07
I am the worlds biggest yo yo dieter. Olympic medal that is. I have been in between two dress sizes since i was 14. It tends to be hereditary in my family to have a pear shape and along with that pear shape comes a large bottom which my friends call my j lo bottom but i actually hate it lol. I did atkins for a while and lost a lot of weight but i put it all back on again. I cant throw out my skinny clothes in case i fit into them and i cant throw out my fat clothes when i am skinny because i know i will balloon out again. I cant win. id like to be between a 12 and a 14 as being too skinny really does make me feel malnutritoned
• Ireland
20 Mar 07
I am not too uncomfortable with it although my wife is always telling me that I need to lose a couple of stones, and I think she is right. My work entails a lot of driving so I don't get much exercise and I now have a pot belly. As soon as the fine weather comes in, I will have to start taking more walks to try to lose at least a stone.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
19 Mar 07
im a size 16 in the uk, dont know what it means in America but i know its the same size as marilyn munroe. Yes im happy with my size, blessed be
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
20 Mar 07
I'm a 5-6, it's not set in stone, I'm always back and forth, but I'm for the most part comfortable with it. Yes there's the days that i turn around and wish i was smaller, but for the most part, I'm very happy with my weight.
@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
20 Mar 07
I am not... i want to reduce... i am around 169 lbs... and i want to get around 155-160 pounds .. so that i can be more athletic than now...