Absolutely DISGUSTING!!!

March 20, 2007 1:13am CST
Yes, certain things are just that. Disgusting, totally, completely and utterly disgusting. But it's different for everyone, right? For me, i think one thing that is sooooo horribly disgusting is Caviar, EEEW.. i also can't stand blue cheese, or anything like bree, and that stuff with the film on it, uck! hmm, i don't like green red or yellow bell peppers, and i just can't stand lima beans, god their nasty. So what's the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten? What foods do you stay away from because you just don't like them, their just plain grose?
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24 responses
@smithy86 (137)
20 Mar 07
i really cant stand anything that comes out of the sea. The smell of seafood makes me feel sick. I also hate olive,s my girlfriend eats them like they are going out of fashion yet some of my friends cringe when they put one in their mouth because they have a strong taste. I agree with you on the cheese thing too. Its hard to believe that dairy can smell so awful yet people pay a lot of money to eat it.
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• Canada
20 Mar 07
Yeah, there's some cheases i like, but for the most part, eew, i like olives, but not all the time, i prefer the black ones. their so much better. Certain seafood makes me ill at the scent, but i love things like oisters, herrings, anchovies and things like that. as long as their cooked right. Thanks.
4 people like this
• Canada
20 Mar 07
Dill Pickles..ewwww!!..i shudder at the thought..here they are automatically put on all burgers at McDonalds, why do they do that?? you have to ask them NOT to put them there..if I get a burger with a pickle on it, I cant eat it, the whole taste goes through the burger..so gross...so gross...blaaaa
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• Canada
20 Mar 07
haha yeah they do do that, i hate that, but i don't order from there unless it's the fries anyway. I like baby dills, but only in moderation. Thanks hunni!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Pickle and peanut butter sandwiches... good for my tummy, not good for my breath! LOL
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• Canada
21 Mar 07
I can`t stand Calamari or octopus they are both ugly and taste disgusting . The first time I ate these I thought I was eating a rubber band . Terrible !!!!
@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I know! I tried it for the sake of trying something new, and I lived to regret it.
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@decimus785 (1419)
• Aruba
20 Mar 07
I dont like seafood at all,i find Kimchee disgusting just like you i find caviar disgusting. I don't like to eat tomatoes,union and other vegetables.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
I eat almost everything unless they are exotic food like snake and frog. And I can't stand to eat one native fruit here in the Philippines which is called Chico. Whenever I taste it because I want to like it but it's really disgusting because I feel like I'm eating sand. I'll never taste it again.
@Caila611 (992)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I can't stand peas, asparagus, or brussell sprouts and any seafood that's chewy in texture. EWWW!
• Canada
20 Mar 07
haha chewwy definately EEEW!!! haha thanks hunni!
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I was disgusting once but then I joined the navy. It made me realize just how dirty the world can be.
• Canada
20 Mar 07
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Oysters on the half shell. I know there are a lost of people that like them. And I like them if they come in the can in oil...but I do not like them on the half shell raw! Umm...very gross!!! It is like swallowing a big lugie! Sorry for the spelling...not sure how one would spell that word. LOL
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Ewwww.....Ewwww....Ewwwwww......You just made me shiver in disgust because of what you just said. GROSSSSSS! I can cross that off my list of something to eat. I don't think that I could ever eat anything that even looked disgusting. Yuck! Thanks for the visual and feeling of what it would be like! :P
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Well, one thing definitely now after what brokentia said. I think that oysters in a half shell are disgusting!!!! I hate onions also. I really cant stand them!! I think that peas are disgusting!!! I have never liked them and I would always give them to my brothers when we were younger. He would run and tell mom and dad that he was finished eating, but when they all can back to look that he was done....he wasn't because I pushed my peas onto his plate!! :) I think if not eaten and made properly brussels sprouts can be disgusting also. And, I can't even stand the smell of blue cheese. Gross! Block Swiss cheese tastes like nasty, smelly dirt. But, if cut up in thin slices it tastes great! I am sure that I could go on complaining about nasty foods...but let's just leave it at this!! :D Thanks for the discussion!
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@chocobaby (677)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
i am one of those few people who can eat almost anything edible. i like almost any kind of food. i can eat almost all kinds of seafoods. i can't remember a common vegetable variety that i dislike. i am easy to please when it comes to food, that must be why i am overweight (obese?) most of time. the only thing that can make me throw up eating (or even just the sight of it) is the OYSTERS, especially the raw ones, yuckkkk!!! but i like oyster sauce 'tho. lol!
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Well, I really don't like liver or squid... It is sooo yucky...also the intestines of the chicken....YUCKKKKEEEEE..I don't like dark and black foods It looks dirty and real gross.. and the insides of any animals...I feel like vomitting right now just thinking about it..
2 people like this
• Canada
21 Apr 07
Liver and squid? Two more things I woudln't mind eating right now!!! What the heck am I doing on this side of the ocean? LOL Someone send me back to Denmark, please!!! Maybe I'll make enough money here on MyLot to go back to Denmark.
• China
21 Mar 07
HoHo... i have a lot of things that i dont like coz i think they are disgusting. Food: Ginger -yaikz... hate the taste and smell-, tofu Most disgusting food i have ever eaten: BAT = as in batman! I didnt know that it was bat until after i had eaten it all and swallowed it down into my stomach. Yaikz!!! .
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I'm totally with you on the blue cheese... and stilton, and gorgozola... aaaack! Pretty much any cheese that's "stinky," known to cheese fans as "sharp." I have some really strong dislikes for foods most people really LIKE. Raw carrots, for example. It's a "texture thing;" they taste OK, but it feels like I'm trying to chew a piece of particle board. I have a strong aversion to coconut, as well as to licorice and sticky caramel. I'm not big on lima beans either, or pretty much anything from the fresh or dried legum family (dried beans, peas, lentils, all that stuff)-- in part because I went to boarding school for a couple of years and we had the dung things for at least one meal a day EVERY single day.
• United States
20 Mar 07
i dont like oysters they are so freakin nasty!!!1
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I will try most things once. But I cant stand coconut, licorice, sweet potatoes, or peas. I am also not a fan of lima beans, cooked carrots, or guacamole. I wont even try Caviar, it just looks entirely too gross. And I know most people will be horrified, but Shrimp and Lobster are on the list of things I have tried once, but wont likely ever have again, I think it is more of a texture thing with them than a flavor thing, but I just cant do it. Oh and I almost forgot Olives, green or black, ICK! Cant stand those at all.
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@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Yes, caviar is not for everyone. I didn't like the taste either. Here are my top three of 'Oh my word I'm gonna vomit' list: 1. Calamari 2. Rhubarb 3. Sweet Potatoes Now, I know people are going to disagree with me on the sweet potatoes, but I've tried all the recipes my family has presented, and I can't stand the taste.
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@hottie0728 (1732)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I'm not that picky when it comes to food. I don't know caviar but after searching it and seeing what it looks like...I don't think I can eat those. I love seafoods especially crabs. I only eat certain fried fish! I used to like shrimp but now they seem tasteless to me and really chewy. I don't eat liver...and I hate the taste and smell of cilantro.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I think the thing that's really gross to me is smelt fries. Every Friday where I live during this time of the year they have fish fries and the fish of choice a lot is smelt. They deep fry them and eat the whole thing heads and all. Just watching someone eat those makes me almost gag.
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• Canada
22 Apr 07
Oh I just thought about this hun, have I got a story for you. I went to visit my parents in Arizona and we went to Sedona and it was lunch time so we went to a restaurant. Anyhoo, duty called so my mom and I went to the washroom and when we got back my dad said he had ordered for us. The food came and I asked him what he ordered. He told me he ordered bbq pork and cactus fries. So I try a cactus fry which basically looks like a regular french fry only it's green. It tasted fine. Then I had some bbq pork and it was really good. After I was done my dad told me that the rattle snake population in Arizona is really bad and that some restaraunts serve it. I right away said Ewww! Nasty! You wouldn't catch me eating that. My dad smiled and said you just did. I looked at him and said are you serious? He said yep very cheekishly. I glared at him and called him a cheeky a$$ and then said thanks a lot. It was good though so I think a lot of things are in a persons head. The site of what they are eating is what makes their stomach flop not the actual taste of it.
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• Canada
22 Apr 07
Sedona? Wow!!! I think the MyLot connection between my new friend Spitfire and myself, is some sort of psychic thing. First our boyfriends have something in common, now someone else who commented on this particular discussion of hers, commented from the place were my boyfriend is currently working. I wish I was there right now with him. For now my Morfar (Danish for Mom's Dad) is in the hospital, and I'm stuck up here. I LOVE SEDONA!!!!
@Acester (32)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
Mushrooms. Period. =D They make me gag so bad lol Honestly, I get sick on them.. Even if there hidden in pizza or something.
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