Epidurals...What's your story/opinion?

United States
March 22, 2007 8:46pm CST
I had been in labor with my daughter, my first and only child, for a total of 23 hours. I decided once they let me go into the delivery room that i was going to get the epidural. Once she was finished, she looked at me and said, "I screwed up a bit, I knicked your spinal cord a bit and you have a 90 percent chance of getting a spinal headache" She informed me of what a spinal headache was (a SEVERE headache caused by the leaking of your spinal fluid) and told me that if i had even the slightest sign of a headache, to tell a nurse and they would take care of me. So after i had my daughter that's when it began to hit me, I told the nurse that i had a headache, and she brought me some percocet. I still had a headache, so the next nurse came in... i repeated myself (this time pretty loopy from the pain killers) and she brought me more! so i thought nothing of it.. went home when it was time. This headache lasted for a week!! and i mean this was a terrible headache! compareable to a migrane x2 ... i mean if i even lifted my head off of the bed, i couln't see anything, and i felt like someone just stabbed me in my temples! it was horrible.. and on top of all that.. all i wanted to do was spend time with my daughter! but i wasn't able to :( anyways, after about a week went by (think it was a little more than a week about 8 or 9 days) i decided to call the doctor, they ignored me and said i would be fine and to just rest. so i called again a few hours later in hopes of getting someone else, and it was a good thing i did! i spoke witha nurse who refered me to the pain management center and they performed a procedure called a "blood patch" where they take blood from your arm and put it into your back in order to clot the hole in your spinal cord giving you instant relief! after that everything was fine.. so if there is going to be a next time.. i dont think i will be getting the epidural! i'd rather go through a few hours of pain than a weeks worth!
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2 responses
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
23 Mar 07
When I first found out I was pregnant I was ready to sign up for the epidural right then and there. But after doing my research and visiting with my local birthing center I changed my mind. I had a natural birth in a watertub and that water really helped with the pain. I had an awesome experience. After my experience with the birthing center and the horror stories I've heard about epidural I would never go to a hospital for my next child unless I was high risk. Epidural is just not for me and the thought of having a needle in my back that close to my spine scares the crap out of me more then any of the contractions I had while I was in labor. I may sound like a freak but I really liked the control I had over my labor. I knew exactly when I needed to push and I was able to do everything on my own with no tears.
• United States
23 Mar 07
that's awesome, the hospital i had my daughter in had a tub, and i was interested in it, but i wasn't sure about it.. now i wishi did it :(
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
23 Mar 07
My family was really freaked out by the whole waterbirth thing. They were afraid she was going to drown and didn't want me to go through with it. But I did my research and asked my midwife tons of questions before I made my decision.
• United States
23 Mar 07
My sister had a spinal headache with her son. She had to have TWO blood patches! She was in such pain and I felt so bad for her. With her daughter's birth, the epidural wore off right after birth. As the doctor was sewing up her episiotomy, she could feel every single stitch! He told her a shot would hurt more and he was almost finished. She was crying so much!! My epidural stories do not involve a spinal headache or it wearing off too quickly. With my son, the man was showing some students how to do it and he couldn't get it in right...he had the needle in, but then was twisting and turning it around. It hurt SOOO bad. Finally, it was done after me saying a LOT of bad words and crying while practically ripping the nurse's arms off while she was holding me. LOL With my daughter, the lady had to stick me NINE times!!! She told me my back was crooked and she couldn't get it in right! She said she has done this for 20+ years and never had to stop in the middle to let her hand rest like she did with me. LOL I laugh now, but at the time I was SOOOO mad! I was sitting up, having contractions, and almost passing out. She would ask me how it felt. HOW DOES IT FEEL? It feels like someone poking a long a$$ needle in my back!!! How do you think it feels???!! LOL My epidurals hurt so much more than the actual labor and I went really far with my contractions. I hurt really bad, but nothing like my epidurals!! I swore if I ever had another child, there would be NO epidural! Not after TWO bad ones! :)
• United States
23 Mar 07
wow! i feel for you! luckily i was ok after the first blood patch! they warned me that i might have to go back in to get another, but i was fine... although when the doctor's little helper was taking the blood, she ended up taking it from my hand, and couldnt get enough out of me... i always have trouble with giving blood... bad veins i guess :P
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