Yet another topic about Stars! (oh no!)

The Chocolates are on me! - Mouthwatering picture of an assortment of delicious looking chocolates.
March 23, 2007 10:15am CST
This is a fairly straitforward one! I'd just like to say a great big THANK YOU to all my friends on my lot who've responded to my discussions and got me my blue star back again!No need to respond to this one - I just wanted to say thanks and big hugs to all of you who made this possible. What a wonderful bunch of people you all are. I feel very priviledged to have you all as my friends.
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3 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
12 Jun 08
Thank you! That is what we are here for! I am happy that you got your blue star back! Happy myLotting! Cheers!
1 person likes this
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Thanks mate!
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
31 Mar 07
Oh! please sorry for responding sorry can't help to respond lol!! You really deserve the 10 star my friend! Congrats and keep on posting and responding with credible posts!!
1 person likes this
• Australia
31 Mar 07
Awww, thanks Maribel, for responding to my discussions and making this possible! LOL
@setroc (853)
• Philippines
12 Jun 08
im not one of those people this is the only discussion of yours that i have red, well since i already red it why not respond and up my money stats a little, right, so im responding, hey congratulations on getting your blue star back, i dont know what that is for, popularity? i dunno, congrats and hope youll always have your star
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Well, since you've only been here for 4 weeks you won't have a clue on what this discussion is about. Yeah, so why not just respond with a useless comment to get some money if it makes you happy.