Why do you watch Good Eats?

@krebstar5 (1266)
United States
March 24, 2007 2:21pm CST
I personally don't really watch Good Eats for the recipes as much as I do for the information. I love how Alton Brown will go into details about cuts of meat, and the origins of food. I also feel that understanding some of the science behind cooking (for instance how pop corn works) is really interesting. I don't think I've ever cooked one of Alton Brown's recipes, but I do my best to never miss the show. Why do you enjoy Good Eats? The recipes? The information behind the food we eat? Tips on what makes a good "multi-tasker?" Or even just the humor? Please, share your thoughts.
5 responses
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I also watch Good Eats for the information and the science behind cooking. I love how Alton Brown goes through details, has diagrams and visuals for explaining all kinds of phenomena. His recipes are pretty good too. I tried the baked meatball one and it turned amazing! I also like watching his show (amongst others) for inspiration for my own cooking. Oh, and I do like his silly humor, it keeps me watching for the whole half hour time slot.
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
3 Apr 07
awww, thanks for the best response!
@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
26 Mar 07
I watch it for the puppets and props! Well, that is not entirely true, but I think those things are a big part of what makes Good Eats so interesting. The way that Alton Brown presents information that could otherwise be pretty boring, or deemed irrelavant for a "traditional" cooking show is what makes this show really unique. For example, one of my favorite episodes is the honey episode (and this is where the puppets come in), rather than just showing bunch of recipes made with honey, alton tell you what honey actually is (bee puke), how it's made, and some history and tips for useing it. Then there are some recipes. I must admit, I haven't made many of his recipes. Some are just too drawn out, and long. However there is one....a poached catfish that is a favorite of me and my boyfriend.
@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Oh, I love the props and puppets too. I especially love the bee puppets or the time they used sock puppets to represent bacteria! Really funny, but also quite informative.
• United States
10 Apr 07
I love the food channel, and watch good eats. I find a lot of information out, and find him funny as well. To be a good multi tasker you must be very organized. Write it down, so you can visual see what needs to be done. Than you can do it easier.
• United States
19 Apr 07
I love Alton! I love his dorky way of explaining things, and in my quest to eat healthier, I love finding out about new foods and the best way to prepare things.
• United States
7 Apr 07
I agree, the beauty of his show is the wealth of information he gives the viewers. He is so knowledgeable and it just helps that he is funny too! I DVR every episode. As for trying the recipes, I have to confess that I have only tried the sweet stuff! I have tried the homemade granola bars and energy bars, sweet rolls, and pocket pies among others. They were really delicious :) I keep journals for recipes and travel tips that I see on Good Eats, 30 Minute Meals, $40 a day and Everyday Italian, which are my favorite food network shows. Have a wonderful day!