CRICKET is boring game

March 25, 2007 1:52am CST
wats ur opinion
4 responses
@parmanu (784)
• India
26 Mar 07
Cricket is almost a boring game. The game is of 8 hours and India is willing to lose this match. Since Indian team is not playing well it has no meaning.
• India
25 Mar 07
I don't agree completely but sometimes when your team loses it becomes boring and its a very long game as well and usually goes on for 8-9 hours on a roll. But when its a tight competition or your team is overpowering the opposition, it is ver very interesting.
• India
25 Mar 07 are right. cricket is actually a boring game. footaball is only a really interesting game
• United States
25 Mar 07
ive never actually seen a game. just a few seconds worth of clips on the tv. but everyone seems to be very very excited about the games going on right now, so i just kind of figured the game was exciting. of course i felt that way about soccer (football) at first, until i watch a full game and found it terribly boring.