Are you victims of POSER???!!!!!

posers - this is just a picture depicting the poser, the person in this picture was not the real person who has been in the discussion but was used to pose for him
March 26, 2007 1:15am CST
Posers???my understanding of this term is a person who poses behind other person's identity, means, he/she is hiding her/his self. They use other personality to attract friends especially over the net, some just wants others attention, be admired by others and they are wishing that they want to play as the person they idolizes, sometimes they dont want to show their faces and covers to an anime character or other faces he/she would wish to be. I was once had a poser friends, and had sent messages and being replied until i found out that they are not the person i am talking to until they deleted their profiles. Are they have to blame for doing that??? Condemn them??? for they are fooling other people over the net, or just let them do their thing, will you tell others if you find the person is a poser???? You!!!! What do you think???? Do they deserve what others say to them like "FOOLERS", "LIARS", or just admired them to have the brave to pose other personality!!!!Your opinion will be much appreciated...
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