USA Land Of The Free & Brave

United States
March 26, 2007 3:34pm CST
I have one major concern with the USA and that is they say we are the land of the free & brave.Well the brave part I do believe look at all the soldiers fighting for this country and as well as the Police & Fire Departments and many others.My biggest gripe is the " Free " part in that there are so many laws that they are starting and passing,seems like each day one more of our rights are being yanked out from under us.They now tell us where we can smoke,that we have to wear seatbelts in our own car ( I can understand the law with children and seatbelts ) but as adults that should be our freedom to choose to wear them or not.Next they will be telling us what we can and can not do in our own homes.So my question is " where is the Free in the slogan ".I would like to know if anyone else thinks the way I do or is it just me please feel free to respond....
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1 response
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
26 Mar 07
I think that we have to get braver here at home and start standing up to the rich politicians. We really need to remember what the protests of the 60's were about because the headway that was made then is being whittled away. You are only as free as you are brave enough to demand. the bravery should start at home, within our own borders.
• United States
26 Mar 07
I'll tell you what I think you hit the nail on the head we do have to stand up in what we believe in.Also another point you made was what the people protested for in the 60's are diminishing.I believe we are going to have to do it again to open their eyes up and realize that just because times has changed doesn't mean our reasons that was protested for has been forgotten.We need to focus more on topics of the citizens of the USA then the other countries.This is our homeland.I really appreciate your input it was a great response.Thank you !!!!!!!