legalization Of Marijuana

United States
March 29, 2007 4:26am CST
So whats your opionions about the legalization of MJ. I want to hear detailed answered as in why it should and shouldnt. Personaly i feel it should be legal. It is less addicting then most over the counter drugs.Its short-term negative affects are distorted perception, trouble thinking, loss of coordination and increased anxiety. Its long term affect is the chance of cancer as it contains some of the cancer chemicals cigarettes have. So its effects are like alcohol and cigarettes put into one thing. It calms you down, relaxes your muscles and acts as a pain killer. In my opinion it should be legalized. Yes people have killed themselves and acted dumb on MJ and caused people to beileve its bad, but people do the same thing on alcohol. The drug doesnt cause irresponsible people thier just born that way:P
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