Planning for tomorrow

United States
March 29, 2007 4:33pm CST
I was never a person who planned for tomorrow. I always used to feel that I have to live for today, because I only have seen today and not tomorrow. When I see people who plan for their tomorrow, I question myself am I lacking something ? Should I plan for my tomorrow ? But again my strong belief in my present tells me I am perfect in what I am doing. Is there any one who also believe in their present and not worried much about their tomorrow.
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2 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
29 Mar 07
I used to be that way. I was healthy, had a good job and an excellent credit rating. I saw no reason to make any plans because I knew I could count on my retirement when the time came. I was stupid. I got divorced and lost everything except my job, my pickup truck, and some personal items. Three years later I became 100% disabled and had to resign from my job. I did a few things right merely by accident and not design. I always had a strong work ethic so I always had a job. I joined the military right out of high school. Because I worked for 30 years I qualified for SSA, even though it took a long time to finally get that. Because of my military service I qualified for medical care through the VA. So now, I sit here drawing my disability and thinking how I could have done things differently. If I would have had some money saved I would not have had to depend on family for support while I fought SSA. I had a lot going for me, and due to lack of planning, I had to go through a lot of unnecessary hardship that could have easily been avoided. All I am saying is that you never know what tomorrow has n store. One day the world is yours, and the next day everything you thought you had can be gone. A person needs to plan accordingly.
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• United States
29 Mar 07
This is what scares me. I have though about it many times and still my strong belief in present overcomes everything else. Guess I should convince myself to believe in my tomorrow. Thanks for the response Cheers!!
@beaniegdi (1964)
29 Mar 07
Sometimes if we think we don't deserve good things then that can make us only live for today and not plan or save for tomorrow. I was always the same when I was younger and it is only as I have got older that I have the self awareness to understand this. Tell yourself you are worth a good and happy future and enjoy today but not at the expense of tomorrows happiness. If you can try to save money, improve your job prospects and education. Unless you die young then tomorrow always comes around and then it becomes 'today' it can then be a better 'today' for you if you have planned a bit for it.