The Dangers of Modern Medicines

United States
March 30, 2007 2:12am CST
I know what you're think I'm crazy...well yes I am. Think about this for a second...How can medicines that cause head-aches, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth, fewer periods, and soo many other side-effects be good for you? They aren't. Natural Medicine is mostly preventive,and I understand that not ALL modern medicine is bad. The FDA approves medicines that will treat an illness but cause other side-effects so you will come back to the hospital to treat the new conditions you have unknowingly contracted from their "medicine". If they were so great wouldn't they work as instantly as the doctor tells you? Don't you want to use things to help your body you can actually pronounce and that grow from the earth where we should be getting it? Sure they have alternative medicines that are made from natural herbs and things...but look closer there are things in those medicines that shouldn't be...dyes, preservatives, additives, flavorings, sugar...the list goes on...a helpful hint in medicine and actually anything is if you can't pronounce it and it is chemically made and has side effects...its bad. I welcome any thoughts on this..I'm very interested to see what all of you have to say.
4 responses
@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
10 Apr 07
You are quite right, but some medications are life preserving, so that has to be measured against the side effects. You must use some of your own discretion, and not expect to swallow a pill for every tiny little complaint, once on the merry go round, it is hard to get off
• India
2 Apr 07
yes it is wellknown fact now a days that modern medicines are having huge number of serious side effects like cancer of ovary,retardation of mind,gastric ulcerations, also bone osteoporosis, so many side effects. Becides using these hazardous medicinesit is claver to use herbal medcines of ayurvedic medcines, homoeopathic, alternate medicines. Though FDA had approved these medicines the thinking is to get fast and quick medicinal effect in emergencies.
• Malaysia
31 Mar 07
Do agree with you at certain points. But at least because of these medicines that we have better hope... The only way to stay away from medicines is by practising a healthy lifestyle. But with these polluted environment, foods that come with preservative, the global warming etc... then the only choice left with us is to rely on the medicines.... We want to live longer and we opt to be controlled by the medicine.. no one force us...
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
31 Mar 07
I agree with everything you say here. Medications are becoming more and more advanced and deadly. We are living longer and faster. Soicety wants a quick way of getting better rather than taking the "time" to take care of themselves. We eater fewer fruits and vegetables and way too much fat. Pharmaceutical companies rule the world in a sense. Ever notice how the addictive medications cost little and the meds that are good for you and needed more such as anti-biotics cost way more? It is the pharmaceutical companies way of controling the market. It is very sad that society, laws, rules would allow this. It is also very sad that the FDA would approve medications that have so many side effects. If the FDA said no I would think then the scientists would come up with something with less side effects. Better yet, teach people how to take better care of themselves from the beginning by starting in the schools. It is a travesty that the schools have gotten away from the three R's and spend so much time on stuff that should be taught at home and not enough time on physical fitness and proper diet and stuff like that. Oh but that is another subject, my apologies for ranting on and on.